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Ask the Wizard Questions

DNS V1.1 Problem

The Question is:

I am experiencing DECnet event 353.5 (DNS-E-NOCOMMUNICATION)
accompanied by LINKEXIT errors on DNS client systems. This
appears to occur at random on about 6-10 clients at a time
but there does not appear to be anything in common occurring
on the systems at these times. The DNS servers have more
than adequate DECnet links available and the DNS$SERVER
account has ample quotas. What other circumstances could
cause this event and associated LINKEXIT message? I would
also be interested in locating more detailed information
about the internal mechanisms of DNS, or at least a brief
description of how to use the undocmented DNS$ANALYSE.


1. We are using DNS V1.1 in a Phase IV environment.
2. The namespace is only served within an unrouted LAN.
2. The DNS servers are a clustered pair of VAX 4105's with a
   cluster alias, although DNS is installed as though the
   systems were independent and the clients do not reference
   the alias nodename in their DNS$DEFAULT_FILES.

The Answer is:

We're afraid we don't have a lot of information for you.
DNS V1 product is now almost ten years old.

If you were running V2 servers, I could help you.  If any of the clerks
which are loosing connectivity are V2 systems, you can turn on a protocol
trace, and other tracing. But if you are still running a pure V1 environment,