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Ask the Wizard Questions

Connect SCSI to VAX 7000

The Question is:

I'm looking for ideas on how to connect sets of fast SCSI
disks (like DEC RZ29) & SCSI tapes (like DEC DLT4000) to
a VAX 7000-6x0.

The VAX 7000-6x0 doesn't seem to support any SCSI
controllers at all.  Im' curious why it can't support
something like the DEC KZMSA.

The VAX 7000-6x0 will support DEC KFMSA DSSI controllers
(not fast, not wide, about 4Mb/sec peak) but this
requires a secondary controller like a DEC HSD10 (which
seems slower still).  It seems like 1 channel of a KFMSA
driving a single HSD10 probably couldn't drive a single
RZ29 or DLT4000 to its rated transfer rate.

The high transfer rate would be useful for VMS Backup
type operations.

Does this analysis seem correct?
Do you know of other alternatives? (price is a factor)
Thank you in advance!

The Answer is:

Perhaps the HSD30 would serve?

Perhaps the CIXCD and HSJ40 would serve?

Perhaps the DEMFA and HS2xx would serve?