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Terminal: How to log and keep SYS$OUTPUT
The Question is:
How can I direct output of an active session to a file?
I need to have the output continue to appear on sys$output (a terminal).
I have seen responses to this question on the vms list, but they all
require a user logging on twice, either via a set host 0/log= or via
a multinet telnet/log=. I have also seen references to some freeware
utilitites, but they so not seem to fit the bill either.
Can you provide any help in answering what should be a trivial task? I
guess I'm just too thick-headed to figure this out on my own.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide,
p.s. The reason I need to do this is because we want to replace a number
of LA120s that are being used to run batch jobs. However, there are many
times that the output needs to be reviewed for accuracy.
The Answer is:
Sorry, there is no easy answer - VMS doesn't have the inherent capability of
splitting output to multiple destinations. SET HOST/LOG is the most
straightforward way of doing this.
Review the batch log files via the terminal or via a print-out.
Both the commands and the output will be present in the batch
log file.
I gather you want to be able to review the commands which launched the batch
jobs. If you just want to review the output from the batch jobs themselves,
then .2 has it right.
Perhaps you could simply replace the LA120s with standard video terminals with
attached printers. For example, the VT420 will duplicate all output to the
attached printer when you press CTRL-F2.
Perhaps the POLYCENTER Remote Console product would be applicable.
If you truely want to move away from hardcopy perhaps a PC running a terminal
emulator configured to log the output to a file would do the trick. If the
output must end up on the OpenVMS system then use Pathworks and specify the log
file go to a network disk device. From an X terminal running a terminal
emulator you might be able to do something interesting with the print capability
or simply cut and paste the "lines off top" to a file.
I've never tried this trick but you might be able connect a terminal printer
port to a terminal server and via LAT or TELNET direct the output to a file via
a dedicated process.
For many years I have had a vision. It involves using a psuedo-terminal driver.
In the past all we had was a hard binding between a command terminal and a
process (I'm not considering data terminals at this point). Well, batch jobs
were a twist on that. The LAT products loosened the binding considerably.
Today, the virtual terminal driver feature, loosens that binding somewhat more.
The DECterm (amoungst others) terminal emulator history scrolling feature and
even the DCL recall buffer help too.
+---------+ +----------+ +-------------+
| viewer |.....| terminal |----| application |
| process | | process | | process |
+---------+ +----------+ +-------------+
The terminal process would log output from the application process. It would
service requests from viewer processes to review the application output. Even
if there weren't a viewer process up at the time, the terminal process would
continue to log the output. A viewer process could also provide input.
You also should checkout SYS$EXAMPLES:LOGGER.C. It is an example on
how to do what you want to do.