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Terminal: REGIS commands
The Question is:
The first problem is after switching into the DECGraphics
mode G2 using the capability string \033*0, is it possible
to exit this mode using another capability string. If so
what exactly is the capability string to use.
Is it possible to get a program to read in an ASCII file
transferred from DOS to VMS and display pound signs.
Currently transferring the ASCII files up to the VMS system
the pound signs do not appear and hence are not outputted
to the screen.
Thanking you in advance......
The Answer is:
-< Does Not Appear To Be OpenVMS Question >-
:The first problem is after switching into the DECGraphics
:mode G2 using the capability string \033*0, is it possible
:to exit this mode using another capability string. If so
:what exactly is the capability string to use.
You appear to be describing the SCS escape sequence to shift the
current character set to the G2 set.
You will want to acquire the programming manual for the terminal
device in question.
Probably "(B".
:Is it possible to get a program to read in an ASCII file
:transferred from DOS to VMS and display pound signs.
:Currently transferring the ASCII files up to the VMS system
:the pound signs do not appear and hence are not outputted
:to the screen.
Check the documentation associated with the program you are
using to transfer the files.