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Convert: Corrupted SYSUAF
The Question is:
dear wizard
hello, i'm a systemmanager for openvms.
Now i have a problem by the
sysuaf.dat like that.
if i will see the user LWE10 i get this error-message
UAF> show lwe10
%UAF-E-SHOW_ERR, error during show
-RMS-W-RTB, 1536 byte too large for user's buffer
i have tried to use the edt, but it can't read the file
how can i repair this file?
i hope the the wizard can help....
(may the force be with you)
The Answer is:
This reported record size is rather suspect. The SYSUAF file as
provided with the system has a maximum record size of 1412, a tad
smaller than the 1508 that its bucket size of 3 blocks would allow.
The 1536 is larger than both, and a 'nice' number: 3*512.
Unsupported software, or a subttle hardware failure may have caused this.
First step in the investigation should be an ANAL/RMS/FDL on SYSUAF.
This may reveal that the file characteristics have been changed, making
the system unsupported. NO standard VMS component will change this.
The analyze may well report a file corruption (compression problem?)
in which case a backup should be restored. You may be able to merge
recently changed records from the current file with the older backed up
file using DCL $OPEN, $READ/KEY and $WRITE[/UPDATE]/SYMBOL commands.
Try extracting the maximum of valid records using:
You can [carefully!] EDIT this sequential file with TPU (NOT with EDT)
Now convert the sequential file back to indexed using an FDL. You
can make a valid FDL file by creating a 'fresh', supported SYSUAF by
running authorize such that it can not find the current one...
create new file? Yes! ANAL/RMS/FDL on that file to get a valid FDL file.
Good luck!