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RMS: File inconsistancy
The Question is:
Question #1:
Using ANALYZE/FDL gives area 0 block size allocation of
18,397,707 blocks, for a file that is currently:
ANH.DAT;1 File ID: (11,2,0)
Size: 1854162/1854162 Owner: [500,500]
Created: 30-JAN-1996 01:39:02.61
Revised: 3-APR-1996 15:17:55.82 (48039)
File organization: Indexed, Prolog: 3, Using 2 keys
In 3 areas
File attributes: Allocation: 1854162, Extend: 65535, Maximum bucket size: 12
Global buffer count: 0, No version limit
Contiguous best try
Record format: Variable length, maximum 2500 bytes
Record attributes: Carriage return carriage control
RMS attributes: None
Journaling enabled: None
File protection: System:RWED, Owner:RWED, Group:RWE, World:RE
Access Cntrl List: None
We have applied Kit Name: VAXRMS09_U2055 that was supposed
fix this issue, but are still getting the bogus area 0
What gives, how can we get the correct information from
Question #2:
Also, is there a way to retrieve the file extend
allocation with a lexical function (f$file_attributes).
What I want is the extend value of the actual file.
I see that this information is stored in the area 0
extension of the fdl.
Question #3:
When using AUTHORIZE, and showing a user record, the
owner information displays the UIC [xxx,xxx] ([xxx,rightlist_id]).
Is this information stored in the UAF file record? How can I
retrieve it. I've written a C program that displays most of
the relevant information from a user record, but I can't
seem to find doc on how to get this info from UAF.
Thanks for your assistance, Wiz.
The Answer is:
Hi, Can you perhaps show me the full ANAL/RMS/FDL output which
showed 18,397,707 blocks allocted when DIR shows 1854162.
I'd like to determine whether it is ANAL/RMS having a problem
displaying the cvalue or perhaps RMS maintaining it.
The output from DUMP/BLOCK=COUN=4 would help too.
>We have applied Kit Name: VAXRMS09_U2055 that was supposed
>fix this issue, but are still getting the bogus area 0
I am not aware of an anal/rms fix in there other the total
data byte count. Hmmm, you would not happen to refer to a
funky value in an FDL file after an EDIT/FDL/NOINTER run?
> What gives, how can we get the correct information from
> analyze?
May I ask... why do you think you need the ANAL/RMS output?
For larger files such as this one, it seems a lot of energy
to get data that has limited use. For optimization purposes
I personally prefer to simple use on old anal/fdl output and
adjust the data record count to the value expected for the
next incarnation of the file. The anal/rms time is IMHO much
better spend converting the file! (possibly overdue for the
file shown!). IN the extreme I use commands like
$EDIT/FDL/NOINT/ANAL=hand-editted/OUT=tuned standard
Here standard is a plain FDL describing the file without stats.
hand-editted would be a file with just the following stats:
IDENT "wizard's minimal template for EDIT/FDL/NOINTERACTIVE analyze input"
The cluster size would be a happy middle of the road value.
The record count and mean data length can be obtained using ANAL/RMS on
am older (backup copy of the) data file but why bother getting it all
the time? the convert /stat output also gives a useful record count!.
Question #2:
Also, is there a way to retrieve the file extend
allocation with a lexical function (f$file_attributes).
What I want is the extend value of the actual file.
I see that this information is stored in the area 0
extension of the fdl.
There is no single file extend quantity! each of the (3) areas
has its own. F$FILE(filename,"DEQ") may provide what you need.
>Question #3:
>When using AUTHORIZE, and showing a user record, the
>owner information displays the UIC [xxx,xxx] ([xxx,rightlist_id]).
>Is this information stored in the UAF file record? How can I
What? the numbers or the text? You've tried SYS$GETUAI already right?
or are you using SYS$GETJPI? You may need to add a call to SYS$IDTOASC ?!