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Ask the Wizard Questions

Multicast hash algorithm

The Question is:

How exactly does the SGEC ethernet controller handle more
than 15 multicasts? DSN indicates that it uses a hash
table in "all multicast" mode to reduce the chances of a
CPU interrupt, but how is this hashing performed? Without
this knowledge it is impossible to determine which
addresses are likely to coincide in the hash table and
cause unwanted interrupts. This information would be very
useful for all current Digital ethernet controllers.

The Answer is:

Here is the code in DE422.MAR which determines the hash filter
bit for the LANCE chip:

        MOVL    #LAN$C_ADDR_SIZE,R1     ; Pass length of mcast address
        MOVL    R8,R2                   ; Pass address of mcast address
        BSBW    LAN$CALCULATE_CRC       ; >> Calc CRC-32 on supplied buffer
                                        ; >> Input  R1 = Length of buffer
                                        ; >>        R2 = Buffer address
                                        ; >> Output R0 = CRC generated
                                        ; >> Destroyed = R0
        ROTL    #6,R0,R0                ; Get high order 6 bits into low bits
        BICW3   #^XFFC0,R0,6(R8)        ; Get LADRF bit number

The hash filter is 64 bits long.

For the SGEC/TGEC/Tulip, the filter is 512 bits long and is taken from the
CRC of the address but from the low bits instead of the high bits:

        MOVL    #LAN$C_ADDR_SIZE,R1     ; Pass length of mcast address
        MOVL    R6,R2                   ; Pass address of mcast address
        BSBW    LAN$CALCULATE_CRC       ; >> Calc CRC-32 on supplied buffer
                                        ; >> Input  R1 = Length of buffer
                                        ; >>        R2 = Buffer address
                                        ; >> Output R0 = CRC generated
                                        ; >> Destroyed = R0
        BICW3   #-EZ_C_HASH_BITS,-      ; Store HASH bit # in table

And for these chips there is less conflict - here is a table of common
multicast addresses and what bit they are mapped to (extracted from the
EZDRIVER source):

; Hash filter performance (* denotes conflict):
;   Bit  Address                          Bit  Address
;   255  FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF BROADCAST       17  09-00-2B-00-00-03 LTM
;    61  CF-00-00-00-00-00 LOOPBACK       158  09-00-2B-00-00-06 Encryption
;   326  AB-00-00-01-00-00 MOP-DL          11  09-00-2B-02-01-05 RingPurge
;   287  AB-00-00-02-00-00 MOP-RC         433  09-00-2B-02-01-06 TANDU
;   296  AB-00-00-03-00-00 DNA-Routing    486  01-80-C2-00-00-00 802.1d Bridge
;   429  AB-00-00-04-00-00 DNA-EndRouting 248  01-80-C2-00-00-0x 802.1d Rsvd
;   453  09-00-2B-02-00-00 DNA-Routing    386  01-80-C2-00-00-10 802.1d Bridge
;   132  09-00-2B-02-01-00 DNA-Naming     276  01-80-C2-00-00-11 802.1e Load..
;    18  09-00-2B-02-01-01 DNA-Naming     174  01-80-C2-00-00-12 802.1e Load..
;   424  09-00-2B-02-01-02 DNA-Time       411  01-80-C2-00-00-14 ISO IS
;    58  09-00-2B-00-00-0F LAT            269  01-80-C2-00-00-15 ISO IS
;   157  09-00-2B-02-01-04 LAT            183  01-80-C2-00-00-16 ISO 10030
;   295  09-00-2B-02-01-07 LAT             33  01-80-C2-00-00-17 ISO 10030
;   317  09-00-2B-00-00-01 DSM/DTP        167  01-80-C2-00-01-00 ANSI FDDI SMT
;   412  09-00-2B-01-00-00 Bridge         195  01-80-C2-00-01-10 ANSI FDDI SMT
;   266  09-00-2B-01-00-01 Bridge-Local   111  01-80-C2-00-01-20 ANSI FDDI SMT
;     8  09-00-2B-00-00-07 NetBios        434  09-00-2B-00-00-04 ISO 9542
;   427  09-00-2B-00-00-00 MUMPS          292  09-00-2B-00-00-05 ISO 9542
;   135  09-00-2B-00-00-02 VAXELN
; AB-00-04-00-XX-XX CUSTOMER has 60800 of 65536 addresses which do not
; map to the same bit as another of these 37 addresses.
; AB-00-04-01-XX-XX CLUSTER has 60800 of 65536 addresses which do not
; map to the same bit as another of these 37 addresses.
; 09-00-2B-04-XX-XX LAST has 948 of 1024 addresses which do not conflict
; map to the same bit as another of these 37 addresses.

There aren't any other hash filtering schemes used
by supported LAN controllers.  And FDDI controllers have larger filter
capability so they don't need hash filtering.