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DECwindows: AlphaServer 1000 display
The Question is:
How can I improve the display on an Alpha Server 1000?
1. I have just installed the Server with the tree OS
options (OpenVMS,Digital Unix and NT), the video
controller the server has is a Cirrus and the
resolution I'm getting is sort of a VGA display.
I want to work with the best definition I can use.
2. The time to display and scroll information on the
console is terrible (about a minute just to open an
terminal windows)
The main problem is that this Alpha is on our demo site
(near a SUN with the same Sony monitor). The aplication
performance is what we expected (of course on top of the
Sun system) but again, the Alpha with VMS (let me say I
have the same problem with Digital Unix) just don't
look good.
The Answer is:
You will need to purchase a better VGA card. The system you have
is a server. The only reason it has a graphics controller at all is
because NT requires one. In the past, customers have complained at
having to pay for a graphics card that they don't need for their
OpenVMS or Unix servers. Alphaservers therefore have a very cheap
card to keep the price down. As with most things, you get what you
pay for. It works, but performance is not very good.
You can add a better card (ask your Digital sales partner to
discuss options), or purchase an Alphastation.