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Ask the Wizard Questions

Remote console on VAXstation

The Question is:

Dear Wizards,

I would like to be able to use a modem to dial in to the
console port on a MicroVAX 3100.  The purpose would be
for remote boots and entering console commands.  How can
this be done?  I have a cable/pin configuration which
allows me to dial out from the console port (when VMS
is up), but not one that allows me to dial in.


The Answer is:

      If the modem is set to autoanswer and connected to the console port,
    then all you need do is dial it and you should be connected to your
    console. There are no OpenVMS configuration issues (apart from the
    baud rate), it's all in the modem setup. Note however that this is a
    highly insecure configuration, as anyone with access to your console,
    potentially has control of to your system, even without a password.
    There is also the issue of where the console output goes when you're
    not dialed in.

      A secure method of achieving your objective is to use Polycenter
    Console Manager software. It will allow you to dial into a normal
    modem port (full password protection) and take control of the console
    through software. Console Manager will also log all console output
    and can be configured for automatic responses to specified events.

Digital has a product PCM (polycenter console manager) that
performs this function.  PCM is installed on a centrally located
VMS or OSF platform.  The consoles for systems you need to
monitor/manage are connected via LAT or TELNET to a decserver
the PCM engine controls.  You could then dialin anywhere, set
host or connect or telnet to the PCM engine and through the
interfaces, boot, halt, etc any system the PCM engine is
controlling.  Several security features, console logging and
event notificaion is also available.