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Ask the Wizard Questions

Foreign language support

The Question is:

I need to know if OPVMS has support for Hanyu language?
If not, then I need a list of all the languages OPVMS supports
and how I can order them?

The Answer is:

OpenVMS/Hanyu is included in the Asian language Layered Products Media
& Doc. kit. The current version is V6.2, in the next days we'll ship V7.0 as

Hanyu support is available also for the DECwindows Motif interface.

The latest version is DECwindows Motif/Hanyu for OpenVMS, Version 1.2-3.

This local version are not distributed in the U.S., or in any country outside
the Asia/Pacific area.

	The customer should order the following part numbers in order
	to get the local language User Interface licenses.

		Korean = Hangul (language code "4")
		Chinese= Hanyu (language code "3")
		Simplified Chinese = Hanzi (language code  "2")
		Japanese = Kanji (language code "J")

							      US CLP
1.	DECwindows/Motif, American English, for
	  OpenVMS AXP				QL-MV4AE-AA	$440

2.	Hangul User Interface for DECwindows/
	  Motif for OpenVMS AXP			QL-08U4E-AA	$200

3.	Hanyu User Interface for DECwindows/
	  Motif for OpenVMS AXP			QL-08U3E-AA	$200

4.	Hanzi User Interface for DECwindows/
	  Motif for OpenVMS AXP			QL-08U2E-AA	$200

5.	Kanji User Interface for DECwindows/
	  Motif for OpenVMS AXP			QL-08UJE-AA	$200

	NOTE: 	The DECwindows/MOTIF, American English, for OpenVMS AXP,
		QL-MV4AE-AA, is the prerequisite for the local language user
		interface licenses, QL-08U*E-AA.

6.	OpenVMS AXP Operating System Base for
	  DEC 3000-700				QL-MT1AE-6N   $2,000

7.	Hangul User Interface for OpenVMS AXP
	  Operating System Base License:	QL-09Q4E-6N	$200

8.	Hanyu User Interface for OpenVMS AXP
	  Operating System Base License:	QL-09Q3E-6N	$200

9.	Hanzi User Interface for OpenVMS AXP
	  Operating System Base License:	QL-09Q2E-6N	$200

10.	Kanji User Interface for OpenVMS AXP
	  Operating System Base License:	QL-09QJE-6N	$200

	NOTE: 	The OpenVMS AXP Operating System Base License, QL-MT1AE-6N,
	       	is the prerequisite for the local language user interface
		licenses, QL-09Q*E-6E.

11.	Asian language (Hangul, Hanyu & Hanzi) Layered
	  Products Media & Doc			QA-03X8A-H8	$800

12.	Kanji Layered Products Media & Doc	QA-03X8A-H8	$800

13.	Asian language (Hangul, Hanyu & Hanzi) Operating
	  System Media & Doc			QA-MT18A-H8	$300

14.	Kanji Operating System Media & Doc	QA-MT18A-H8	$300


	The customer must install the PAK for the DECwindows/Motif
	license (QL-MV4AE-AA) and the PAK for EACH local language User
	Interface license (QL-08U*E-AA).

	The customer must install the PAK for the OpenVMS AXP Operating
 	System Base License (QL-MT1AE-6N) and the PAK for EACH local
	language User Interface license (QL-09Q*E-6N).


	The User Interface licenses to DECwindows/Motif for OpenVMS AXP
	license is sold under Standard Digital Terms and Conditions.

	In addition, please quote the following Terms and Conditions:

	The local language (Hangul, Hanyu, Hanzi, & Kanji) User Interface
	licenses for the OpenVMS AXP Operating System Base License sold under
	model numbers QL-09Q*E-6N is provided under Digital Standard
 	Terms and Conditions with the following exceptions:

	-The Hangul, Hanyu, Hanzi & Kanji User Interfaces for OpenVMS AXP
	 Operating System Base License authorize the use of the software
	 only in accordance with the OpenVMS AXP Operating System Base
	 License, and become a part of the OpenVMS AXP Operating System Base
	 License when they are first used pursuant to the license grant.  The
	 Hangul, Hanyu, Hanzi & Kanji User Interfaces for OpenVMS AXP
	 Operating System Base License can be re-licensed but only with the
	 associated OpenVMS AXP Operating System Base License.

	-The Hangul, Hanyu, Hanzi & Kanji User Interfaces for OpenVMS AXP
	 Operating System Base License are provided without warranty and
	 without support.



	The part numbers for the  "User Interface licenses" are not in
	the US price file.  This means that when you place your order with
	US Logistics, you must request that they contact Jean Brown
	(@DTN 297-5226) for instructions on how to produce the license PAKs.
	Please note: the local language versions of the software will not
	work without the license PAKs for the user interface licenses.

	Jean Brown uses the QL-09Q*E-6N and QL-08U*E-AA part numbers to
	manually create the License PAKs.  However, those part numbers are
	not in the price file and US Logistics won't be able to process your
	order using the local language user interface part numbers.  For
	processing the order internally, the "dummy" part number to use is
	QL-QSFPB-SZ.  Please also provide US Logistics with authorization to
	input the part numbers and prices manually.

	All the price file codes (i.e., seg codes, sales activity codes,
	discount codes, etc.) that are assigned to the American English
 	versions of the licenses apply to the local language User Interface
	licenses.  In other words, all of the price file codes for QL-MT1AE-6N
	are also applicable to QL-09Q*E-6N.  All of the price file codes for
	QL-MV4AE-AA are also applicable to QL-08U*E-AA.


	The US SSB must do a "stockroom to stockroom transfer" to order the
	Media & Documentation Kits.

	The part numbers to be ordered from PASO (in Hong Kong) are: Asian
	Operating System (QA-MT18A-H8) and Asian Layered Products

	The part numbers to be ordered from Digital's Japan's SSB are: Kanji
	Operating System (QA-MT1JA-H8) and Kanji Layered Products

In order for Wyle's order to be processed, let's separate this process into
three parts: what's on the customer's purchase order, what's on Digital's
internal order, and what information needs to be sent to US SW License
Administration (Jean Brown @297-5226).

I	The purchase order from Wyle should reflect the above listed items, 1
	through 14.

II	The above can't be processed with the above part numbers because
	they're not in the US price file.  The US Logistics group should
	process the internal order as follows:


1.	 1	QL-MV4AE-AA			$440
		DECwindows/Motif, American
		English, for OpenVMS AXP

2.	 1	QL-QSFPB-SZ: Hangul User 	$200
		Interface for DECwindows/
	  	Motif for OpenVMS AXP

3.	 1	QL-QSFPB-SZ: Hanyu User 	$200
		Interface for DECwindows/
	  	Motif for OpenVMS AXP

4.	 1	QL-QSFPB-SZ: Hanzi User 	$200
		Interface for DECwindows/
	  	Motif for OpenVMS AXP

5.	 1	QL-QSFPB-SZ: Kanji User 	$200
		Interface for DECwindows/
	  	Motif for OpenVMS AXP

6.	 1	QL-MT1AE-6N		      $2,000
		OpenVMS AXP Operating System
		Base for DEC 3000-700

7.	 1	QL-QSFPB-SZ: Hangul User 	$200
		Interface for OpenVMS AXP
	  	Operating System Base

8.	 1	QL-QSFPB-SZ: Hanyu User 	$200
		Interface for OpenVMS AXP
	  	Operating System Base

9.	 1	QL-QSFPB-SZ: Hanzi User 	$200
		Interface for OpenVMS AXP
	  	Operating System Base

10.	 1	QL-QSFPB-SZ: Kanji User 	$200
		Interface for OpenVMS AXP
	  	Operating System Base

11.	 1	QL-QSFPB-SZ: Asian language	$800
		(Hangul, Hanyu & Hanzi)
		Layered Products Media & Doc

12.	 1	QL-QSFPB-SZ: Kanji Layered	$800
		Products Media & Doc

13.	 1	QL-QSFPB-SZ: Asian language	$800
		(Hangul, Hanyu & Hanzi)
		Operating System Media & Doc

14.	 1	QL-QSFPB-SZ: Kanji Operating	$800
		System Media & Doc

Items #1 and #6 are saleable products and can be ordered using the
normal processes.  Items 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 & 14
are "book and invoice only." Items 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 & 10 must be
sent to Jean Brown @MRO for PAKs to be produced.  Items 11, 12, 13 and 14
must be ordered through the "stockroom to stockroom transfer" process.

III	The information you need to give to US SW License Administration
	(Jean Brown) is:

2.	Hangul User Interface for DECwindows/
	  Motif for OpenVMS AXP			QL-08U4E-AA

3.	Hanyu User Interface for DECwindows/
	  Motif for OpenVMS AXP			QL-08U3E-AA

4.	Hanzi User Interface for DECwindows/
	  Motif for OpenVMS AXP			QL-08U2E-AA

5.	Kanji User Interface for DECwindows/
	  Motif for OpenVMS AXP			QL-08UJE-AA

7.	Hangul User Interface for OpenVMS AXP
	  Operating System Base License		QL-09Q4E-6N

8.	Hanyu User Interface for OpenVMS AXP
	  Operating System Base License		QL-09Q3E-6N

9.	Hanzi User Interface for OpenVMS AXP
	  Operating System Base License		QL-09Q2E-6N

10.	Kanji User Interface for OpenVMS AXP
	  Operating System Base License		QL-09QJE-6N

I hope that this gives you all the information you need and what to do
with it.  If not, just give me a call.

As a reminder, I don't have the information on the European languages.
