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Ask the Wizard Questions

PCM: PCM on OpenVMS V7

The Question is:

 I currently have an Alphastation 200 4/233, running
 Polycenter Console Manager.  This monitors both Alpha
 and VAX systems( Openvms 5.5-2 to 6.2).  In the very near
 future, I want to upgrade the Alphastation to Openvms 7.0
 The question is, will the current version of PCM (1.6)
 work on a 7.0 o/s, or will I have to wait for a future
 release of PCM ??.

 Thank You in anticipation.

The Answer is:

    certification with 7.0/7.1 is one of the goals of the next pcm release.
    Currently, 1.6 has not been certified with 7.x.