» |
11 December 2000
- (4370) Fibre Channel Support Plans?
- (4827) DECnet vs TCP/IP?
- (4829) Compiler Availability and Packaging? (BASIC)
- (4870) Using AlphaStation 255 serial ports?
- (5160) Third-party Product Info? (AXENT)
- (5333) Primary and Secondary Passwords?
- (5335) Finding RMS record lockholder?
- (5377) Invalid PTE Format Bugcheck?
- (5378) Multi-host SCSI Enclosure Support?
- (5379) Recovering from system failure?
- (5404) Porting Fortran application to OpenVMS Alpha?
- (5405) C Programming (LINK) Questions?
- (5406) Logging Startup and Shutdown output?
- (5407) Working With System Parameters?
- (5408) MAIL, SMTP, MIME, and attachments? (take III)
- (5409) Remote automatic login, maximum network sessions?
- (5410) Repairing File Attributes on Old OpenVMS?
- (5413) Seeking DCL code to add users to SYSUAF?
- (5414) Enabling VIOC (VCC) caching?
- (5416) Search list logical name processing?
- (5419) Pagers; Sending radio pages from OpenVMS?
- (5420) Password Prompts and Disabling Echo?
- (5421) VAXstation 4000 model 60 console NVR WRTERR?
- (5422) Debugger Symbol Table (DST) record format?
- (5423) Third-party SCSI devices on OpenVMS?
- (5424) Obtaining RMS file size?
- (5425) Seeking TCP/IP Services Features?
- (5426) SWXCR Controller Error?
- (5427) Troubleshooting OpenVMS Cluster Satellite boot?
- (5430) DECwindows Startup AUTOGEN Loop?
- (5431) Replacing LAT with telnet?
- (5432) OpenVMS X Font Server? (Font Daemon)
- (5433) Fast deletion of large directory?
- (5435) VAX 7000 model 800 emulates model 600?
- (5436) GUI Development?
- (5437) Setting default file protections?
- (5439) Zip, Unzip, and encryption?
- (5440) Netscape Web Browser Documentation?
- (5441) DCL, PING and a captive username?
- (5442) NETACP CPU affinity?
- (5443) OpenVMS Futures and Roadmap?
- (5444) KRNLSTAKNV kernel stack not valid bugcheck?
- (5446) RLOGIN and IP host node unreachable?
- (5448) ELSA GLoria Synergy Graphics Configuration?
- (5449) OpenVMS on Personal Workstation? (Miata)
- (5451) Third-party software? (Oracle)
- (5452) Setting WINDOW_SYSTEM?
- (5453) Available Printers and Printing Options?
- (5455) Malloc, LIB$ RTL VM Memory Management?
- (5456) DHCP IP address expiration and DECwindows?
- (5457) RUJ file extension? (Oracle Rdb)
- (5458) SCSI-3 Device Support?
- (5459) Print banner pages, forms, setup modules?
- (5460) Remote DECserver terminal server?
- (5461) Remote VXT terminal?
- (5462) DCL, extended precision, and floating point?
- (5463) Permanent telnet device?
- (5466) DCL, batch, and file protections?
- (5469) OpenVMS MAIL and Microsoft Exchange?
- (5470) Sharing TCP/IP Sockets? (fork/exec)
- (5471) Deleting queue entries retained on error?
- (5473) NETSERVER and Network Partner Exited Errors?
- (5474) Translation of error 030AEBB4?
- (5476) Determining installed software? (VMSINSTAL, PCSI)
- (5479) BASIC and TCP/IP Programming?
- (5481) Resetting forgotten SYSTEM password?
- (5483) Third-party software? (Data Distributor)
- (5484) Small buffer drops on antique TCP/IP?
- (5485) Determining LAT printer port information?
- (5486) Calculating Thermal (BTU) Heat Load?
- (5487) OpenVMS on DECpc 150 AXP? (DEC 2000)
- (5488) IP Keepalive and dropping idle connections?
- (5489) Information on OpenVMS itself?
- (5490) Shutdown triggers volume shadowing merge?
- (5491) Layered Product Compatibility Listing?
- (5492) Installing VXT Software?
- (5493) Memory and Process Management, General Info?
- (5496) FTP RTB errors on large files?
- (5497) Finding oldest file in directory?
- (5505) Upgrading DLT (TZ) SCSI tape drives?
- (5508) Extending OpenVMS Password Security?
- (5509) OpenVMS Security (GUID) Features?
- (5512) Duplicate batch job submissions?
- (5513) Obtaining system hardware information? (audit)
- (5514) FTSO copy fails after reconnection?
- (5515) Third-party software? (POLYCENTER products)
- (5516) Graphics and Video Monitor Compatibility?
17 November 2000
- (1796) Accessing Windows NT database from OpenVMS?
- (2739) TCP/IP Services Compatibility?
- (3960) Determining IP Printer Ports? (take I)?
- (5241) XQP performance and directory cache size?
- (5242) Scripting via Telnet? (SET HOST)
- (5244) What are VMIMARKER files?
- (5246) Application access to system parameters?
- (5247) Hexadecimal editor or PATCH for OpenVMS?
- (5250) Meaning of LINKABORT error?
- (5251) Third-party software? (TCPware)
- (5252) Third-party software? (DBMS, FDML)
- (5253) Seeking information on unzip?
- (5255) Multiple Domain Research?
- (5256) Locked log files and COPY?
- (5257) Problems serving disks?
- (5258) Checking the password history?
- (5259) Partial-wildcard proxy entry?
- (5261) Multiple Ethernet Controllers?
- (5262) Alternatives to Oracle on OpenVMS?
- (5263) Is this system supported by OpenVMS?
- (5264) DECnet-Plus to DECnet Phase IV?
- (5265) Invalid block/record in BACKUP saveset?
- (5266) DECnet FAL and RMS Block I/O?
- (5267) Raw terminal I/O via LAT?
- (5268) Troubleshooting eXcursion?
- (5270) Meaning of lock count and locking?
- (5271) Landscape Printing on HP/PCL Printer?
- (5272) DCPS capture to file? (LN03 converter)
- (5273) Printing a page range?
- (5274) Meaning of lock count and locking? (take II)
- (5275) X Windows SYSUAF AUTHORIZE tool?
- (5276) Telnet and (missing) linefeeds?
- (5277) Suggestions on Hobbyist AlphaStation?
- (5278) DSM (MUMPS) Command Error?
- (5279) OpenVMS Minimum Version Requirements?
- (5280) Details of LINKER BRRANGE Error?
- (5281) PCSI kit abort? (TNF, OPFAIL errors)
- (5282) Disabling DTSS daylight time switch?
- (5283) Third-party printer and blank pages?
- (5285) File copy failure? (unspecified error)
- (5289) ECOs and firmware for TLZ09 DDS/DAT tape?
- (5290) Seeking VAX rackmount hardware?
- (5291) Serving Windows NT Storage to OpenVMS?
- (5292) RWZ53 support on HSZ50?
- (5293) Conversational Bootstrap (SYSBOOT)?
- (5295) Software license transfer policies?
- (5297) Multiple versions of Language RTL?
- (5298) PC File Transfers to OpenVMS?
- (5299) PC X Windows Server?
- (5300) Removing an ECO kit?
- (5301) Console configuration error message?
- (5302) zip and bilf?
- (5303) DCL symbol substitution? (MAIL)
- (5304) Seeking TDMS documentation?
- (5305) RMS Indexed File Corruption? (RRV)
- (5306) VAX Time Of Year (TOY) Battery?
- (5307) Reading and Writing Barcode?
- (5308) RMS Indexed File Corruption? (MAIL)
- (5310) Maximum I/O size?
- (5311) Finding RMS record lock holder?
- (5312) Access to OpenVMS Storage from PC?
- (5313) DCL and Julian Dates?
- (5314) HTML and PDF converters?
- (5316) UIS? (VWS vs UIS-Archive)
- (5317) Process names and Process IDs (PIDs)?
- (5319) SCSI tape unit change and INCONUCB?
- (5320) RMS Record-level File Journaling?
- (5323) Remote Storage Access? (NFS)
- (5324) Daylight Savings Time? (DST)
- (5326) Disk Block Size?
- (5327) Batch queues for cluster nodes?
- (5328) Multiple IP Addresses, Subnets?
- (5329) Cluster Load Balancing?
- (5330) Cluster Configurations?
- (5331) Creating new version of ERRORLOG.SYS?
- (5338) SYS$REM_ID and SYS$REM_NODE under TCPIP 5.0A?
- (5339) Moving user (mail) files to new system?
- (5341) Non-paged Pool Memory Leak?
- (5342) DCL Date Specifications?
- (5343) OpenVMS VAX to OpenVMS Alpha migration (take IV)?
- (5344) Authenticated COM Needs Advanced Server?
- (5346) POSIX and DII COE Support?
- (5348) Configuring DECdts (DTSS) time server?
- (5349) Calling RTL LIB$ routines in COBOL?
- (5350) The new mail count is incorrect?
- (5351) Remote Access to Workstation?
- (5353) Third-party SCSI device support?
- (5354) DEC 2000 serial line configuration?
- (5355) RIGHTSLIST Identifiers for SYSTEM UIC?
- (5356) telnetsym printing and LN32 ports?
- (5357) Third-party compiler error? (XD Ada)
- (5358) Third-party hardware? (KVM switch)
- (5359) Fiber-optic network and cluster?
- (5360) IIA0: and IIDRIVER?
- (5362) Seeking Memory Channel Information?
- (5363) Translation of TCP/IP Services SYS$NET?
- (5364) Seeking OpenVMS Long-Term Commitment?
- (5365) Unable to expand directory file?
- (5367) Record Length and File Format?
- (5368) Controlling Console-mode Graphics Display?
- (5370) Spooling and queuing and intermediate storage?
- (5372) Remote access to system parameters?
- (5375) Rebuilding corrupt RMS Indexed (Prolog 3) file?
- (5376) Fatal device errors? (FATALERR, VOLINV)
25 October 2000
- (4324) TSM Status? Support?
- (4808) C programming and memory (re)allocation?
- (4991) Increasing IP telnet session limits?
- (4993) Finding next available UIC?
- (4994) Removal/deinstallation of LAT from OpenVMS?
- (4996) Accessing RMS data from Pascal?
- (4997) SMTP headers?
- (4998) BACKUP/SINCE is broken?
- (5001) Third-party hardware and software?
- (5002) Configuring Global Pages, Sections? (GPTFULL)
- (5003) FTP File Transfer Formats?
- (5004) Seeking Wiring Pinout?
- (5005) Running a program with arguments?
- (5006) IP bandwidth, addressing? (NetRAIN)
- (5009) Seeking wiring pinouts?
- (5010) Seeking details of (non-OpenVMS) function?
- (5011) OpenVMS on Personal Workstation -a series?
- (5013) Invoking commands on OpenVMS remotely?
- (5014) Transfering Print Queue Forms?
- (5015) Downloaded PCSI ECO kit corrupt?
- (5017) Installing PATHWORKS (DECnet) on Windows PC?
- (5019) Third-party hardware? (HP JetDirect 500x)
- (5020) Resolving integral windup saturation?
- (5023) Avoiding network disconnect? (Virtual Terminals)
- (5024) Performing system disk BACKUP?
- (5026) Function Keys, Definitions, Compose sequences?
- (5027) Configuring Cluster for Satellites?
- (5029) Seeking BACKUP documentation?
- (5030) Purchasing an OpenVMS Upgrade?
- (5031) Printing on Parallel Port?
- (5033) Why is QUOTA.SYS Missing?
- (5034) RMS Indexed File End Of File?
- (5035) Porting VAX device driver to Alpha?
- (5036) (Unspecified) Lock Manager Bugcheck?
- (5037) Seeking Zip Instruction Manual?
- (5038) Is OpenVMS V7.1 Doc CD PC Readable?
- (5039) Seeking third-party application enhancement?
- (5040) Third-party SCSI device integration?
- (5041) Insufficient dynamic memory?
- (5045) Programming with Mailboxes?
- (5047) IP link redundancy? (NetRAIN)
- (5048) Third-party printer and IP?
- (5049) Debugger SHOW CALLS and BASIC?
- (5050) Third-party software and hardware?
- (5051) Java CLASSPATH Handling?
- (5052) Seeking OpenVMS VAX release?
- (5053) Configuring the TCP/IP r commands?
- (5055) Disabling serial terminal flow control?
- (5057) TCP/IP Version? Telnet Print Stalling?
- (5058) Cluster Communications via multiple LANs?
- (5059) Multihost SCSI and cluster quorum disk?
- (5060) IP telnet session limits?
- (5061) Suppressing HP Printer Banner Page?
- (5063) AlphaStation cache memory parity error?
- (5064) TCP/IP (not) responding to ICMP Ping?
- (5065) Disabling security auditing?
- (5066) DCPS queue busy, but not printing?
- (5069) Increasing SYSTARTUP process quotas?
- (5070) Seeking DECserver pinouts?
- (5071) Recovering from corrupt RIGHTSLIST?
- (5072) Seeking DCL help? (network file transfer)
- (5073) NTP protocol version?
- (5074) Seeking information on H3600 bulkhead?
- (5075) Seeking third-party info? (DBMS)
- (5076) Seeking DEC 3000 hardware/diagnostic info?
- (5077) Seeking peripheral power source?
- (5078) Seeking MMS Documentation, Examples?
- (5081) DECnet, routing, and cluster alias?
- (5082) Creating an RMS indexed file?
- (5083) Adding SCSI CD-R to OpenVMS?
- (5085) Waiting for [SCSI port] to poll error?
- (5086) PATHWORKS client unable to obtain license?
- (5087) ODM Open DECserver Manager? (TSM)
- (5088) Seeking nntpd news server?
- (5089) Seeking OpenVMS web server?
- (5090) DECnet and Firewall configuration?
- (5091) Seeking OpenVMS Installation Information?
- (5093) Shadowing of RAID volumes permitted?
- (5094) OpenVMS Upgrade Paths?
- (5095) Networking, Application Performance?
- (5096) Finding next available UIC in SYSUAF?
- (5098) Handling double quotes in DCL?
- (5100) RAS and PATHWORKS PDC authentication?
- (5101) LPR/LPD returns illegal control index? (ILLCTL)
- (5102) Multiple IP Addresses?
- (5103) System hang and crash?
- (5104) DCPS and HP 4050, 4500 series printer?
- (5105) Network BACKUP Client for OpenVMS?
- (5107) Seeking NT and Solaris programming help?
- (5108) DECwindows Documentation, Login Customization?
- (5112) TCP/IP INVRECORD Error?
- (5113) DECwindows graphics and numbers of colors?
- (5116) Where-oh-where did my PATHWORKS PDC go?
- (5117) TCP/IP SHOW HOST causes ACCVIO?
- (5118) Personal Workstation -a? IDE CD-ROM?
- (5119) Cannot PING the RapidPrint?
- (5120) OpenVMS User Licensing?
- (5121) Configuring and Starting Java?
- (5123) Application Failures on SMP system?
- (5124) Cache bus and ASYNCWRTER errors?
- (5125) Coresidence of IDE and SCSI storage?
- (5126) rexec connection reset by peer?
- (5128) OpenVMS and TCP/IP Upgrades?
- (5130) Opening an RMS file twice? (sharing)
- (5132) Use of COBOL COPY REPLACING syntax?
- (5134) telnet sessions now remote, not local?
- (5135) Non-blocking I/O via IP?
- (5137) Causes of SCSI Disk Corruptions?
- (5138) Cannot start SNMP?
- (5139) DECevent installation and setup?
- (5140) Logout LAT Ports?
- (5141) License PAK (RMSJNL) for RMS Journaling?
- (5142) Scripting commands via telnet?
- (5145) Configure EISA Graphics Controllers?
- (5147) MicroVAX Console TEST 75 error?
- (5148) DCL Procedure To Add Users?
- (5153) Shadowing I/O Load?
- (5154) Blank pages in GKS Postscript?
- (5155) Virtual Terminal Disconnection Error?
- (5157) Third-party software? (IP)
- (5161) AlphaServer 800 Jumpers?
- (5162) Resolving virtual address to source code?
- (5163) C++ library include syntax?
- (5164) Third-party hardware? (DVD-ROM)
- (5166) PPL$_INSVIRMEM error?
- (5167) Third-party MX mail transport?
- (5169) DECserver remote access password?
- (5170) OpenVMS Cluster SCS over...?
- (5171) Translating Message Status Codes?
- (5172) Installing a privileged image?
- (5173) Programming LAT vs telnet (IP)?
- (5174) LPD printing and extra linefeed (LF)?
- (5176) Sending SMTP mail?
- (5177) Interactive user (login) count?
- (5178) Print queues stall after hardware swap?
- (5180) Hangup and exit handlers on process disconnect?
- (5181) Access to Operator Logfile?
- (5182) Third-party SCSI device support?
- (5183) OpenVMS V7.3 release date?
- (5184) Cannot bootstrap on TK50?
- (5185) Multi-format CD media?
- (5186) OpenVMS Firewall Package?
- (5187) Upgrading OpenVMS VAX?
- (5188) Stopping and restarting batch queue entries?
- (5189) Seeking device driver for third-party PCI widget?
- (5190) DCPS and landscape mode?
- (5191) Using the IP send call?
- (5192) Upward (and Downward) Compatibility?
- (5193) IBM MQseries and CFS.74052 ECO?
- (5194) Seeking details of Storage Controllers?
- (5196) Freeing up system disk space?
- (5198) Terminals and Attached Printers? (take II)
- (5199) Asychronous code (ASTs) and mailboxes?
- (5201) RTL LIB$ binary trees, ASTs and interlocks?
- (5204) DCPS and local printer fonts?
- (5205) DECwindows CDE vs Motif login performance?
- (5206) VT terminal printing on (unknown) platform?
- (5209) OpenVMS Lock Manager and Locking?
- (5210) FTP and file versions?
- (5211) (Unspecified) SCSI RAID Hardware Error?
- (5212) Examining disk volume characteristics?
- (5213) IP, select, and polling?
- (5214) SMTP mail and personal names?
- (5215) Seeking drivers for HP Printers?
- (5216) DECwindows workstation console?
- (5217) Ports, names, OPENERR, DUPLICATE NAME?
- (5218) OpenVMS and PATHWORKS without DECnet?
- (5219) Configuring (disk or tape) devices?
- (5220) Configuring DECwindows Multi-Head?
- (5221) Scripting commands via telnet? (take II)
- (5222) Training? (Operator, System Manager)
- (5224) Swapping operating system disk contents?
- (5225) X Toolkit System Default warning?
- (5230) Seeking Compaq C++ development documentation?
- (5231) LINK DATMISMCH on DECC$SHR shareable image?
- (5233) Enabling TCP/IP Services? (REXEC)?
- (5234) Tracking access from remote system?
- (5235) Collecting Performance Information?
- (5236) How to cluster systems together?
- (5238) Access to RSX-11 Compatibility Mode?
- (5240) SPAWN and SYMTOOLNG symbol too long?
12 September 2000
- (1360) Seeking part numbers?
- (3803) $lkwset/$lckpag and process virtual memory?
- (3841) Layered Product and License Transfer? (Pascal)
- (4310) Product Deinstallation? (REMS)
- (4767) DECnet FTAM TSAP OSAK Configuration NCL?
- (4792) Advanced Server files go missing, doubled?
- (4793) Help with VAXstation 4000 self-test diagnostic cod
- (4794) Seeking help with DECserver hardware error?
- (4795) Changing the DECwindows graphics display resolut
- (4797) Help with StorageWorks Command Console?
- (4798) Resolving LICENSE LOAD error? (EXCEEDED)
- (4801) Order of LINKER Symbol Resolution?
- (4802) Topic numbering in Ask The Wizard?
- (4803) Missing TCP/IP Symbol Definition?
- (4804) Seeking details of OpenVMS V7.3? (LDAP)
- (4805) DECnet Network Partner Exited?
- (4806) Compatibility of TCP/IP package syntax?
- (4807) Inconsistency in LANCP and SNMP Ethernet speeds?
- (4808) C programming and memory (re)allocation?
- (4809) DCL Error Handling?
- (4810) DCL Command Input Processing, Redirection?
- (4811) DECserver 300 IP telnet printing controls?
- (4812) Telnetsym Error 660 on HP Printer?
- (4816) Deleting a TCP/IP Service?
- (4817) Third-party software? (Siemens)
- (4818) File creation notification?
- (4819) Fast and Gigabit Ethernet, FDDI?
- (4820) DECnet Event Messages, circuit down?
- (4821) Setting up SYS$SCRATCH area?
- (4822) Portable Development Environment?
- (4823) OpenVMS Mixed-Version Cluster Support?
- (4825) Hobbyist Seeks Installation Media?
- (4832) Remote (Served) Storage Access? (tape)
- (4833) Problems with DCL PIPE? (take II)
- (4834) IMPERSONATE (DETACH) and other heavy privileges?
- (4836) Meaning of LKWSETFUL Error?
- (4839) Remote tape access? (RMT/RCD)(take II)
- (4841) Third-party printer? (HP Laserjet 8000)
- (4842) Intermittent telnet (network) problems?
- (4843) Reporting problems with OpenVMS FAQ?
- (4844) Thread-safety of TCP/IP RPC?
- (4847) Third-party SAN storage? (Fibre Channel)
- (4848) C++ symbol name mangling and decoration?
- (4849) MAIL invalid user specification? (USERSPEC)
- (4851) DEC 3000 video (keyboard, mouse) cable?
- (4852) SHUTDOWN not dismounting pagefile disks?
- (4853) Available (Supported) Graphics Controllers?
- (4854) OpenVMS System and Network Security?
- (4855) Seeking OpenVMS Application? (firewall)
- (4856) Compaq now owns OpenVMS?
- (4857) Configuring TCP/IP Printing?
- (4858) Bad License Management Error?
- (4859) OpenVMS Distributed Authentication? (Passwords)
- (4860) External System Time Synchronization?
- (4861) Seeking NT application?
- (4862) What are VMIMARKER Files
- (4863) Third-party software? (Oracle)
- (4864) Enabling automatic reset on boot?
- (4865) Network design? (DECnet DDCMP)
- (4867) OpenVMS Legato Networker Client?
- (4868) OpenVMS on DECstation 5000? (MIPS)
- (4872) NIC Console Configuration?
- (4873) Access to SYSUAF security database?
- (4874) What is a cluster?
- (4875) LOGINOUT file currently locked? (FLK)
- (4876) NT FTP Server access denial?
- (4877) Using zip?
- (4878) PATHWORKS licensing error?
- (4879) Language-independent definition files? (SDL)
- (4881) Fast Ethernet on VAX? (Duplex)
- (4882) Seeking hardware parts, part numbers?
- (4884) Firmware failsafe loader? (AlphaStation 200)
- (4886) OPCOM, REPLY, and message limits?
- (4887) Networking an antique VAX?
- (4889) OpenVMS Clusters and RMS?
- (4890) Third-party software? (Performance Advisor?)
- (4891) Print Screen Key?
- (4892) TCP/IP selectively ignores Windows 98?
- (4895) Seeking directions on setting up NFS?
- (4896) Multi-headed DECwindows systems?
- (4897) Calling Java from C?
- (4900) Remote printing (from DOS)?
- (4901) Default Directory Protections?
- (4902) Opening VAXstation 3100 Enclosure?
- (4903) Print Queues, Symbionts, and $getqui?
- (4904) Tape-to-tape data copy?
- (4907) Calculating capacity of magtape?
- (4909) C++ symbol name mangling and decoration? (take II)
- (4910) AUTHORIZE and revision dates?
- (4912) TCP/IP IP domain name configuration? (SMTP)
- (4913) Details of Upgrading Alpha PALcode?
- (4915) Details of OpenVMS System Parameters?
- (4916) DCL command buffer limits?
- (4917) Access to StorageWorks Command Console?
- (4919) LMF license unit requirements?
- (4920) Image and Process Accounting, and Batch Jobs?
- (4921) Compaq Presario?
- (4922) Performing Security Audits?
- (4923) Captive vs Network File Access?
- (4924) Antique IP stack on Antique OpenVMS VAX?
- (4925) DCPS FLUSHING error on HP LaserJet 8000?
- (4926) Firmware failsafe loader (AlphaStation 400)?
- (4927) DECnet MOP Download DATACHECK OPCOM?
- (4929) OpenVMS Graphic Controller Support Plans?
- (4931) DECnet and SCSNODE node names? ($creprc)
- (4932) Linking applications during installation? (C++)
- (4933) Replacment RD54 disk not functional?
- (4934) OpenVMS on PWS-a series?
- (4935) Terminals and Attached Printers?
- (4936) Empirical testing vs Documentation?
- (4937) RMS to Relational Database Migration?
- (4938) Remote printing from Windows NT?
- (4939) Application failure on CTRL/Y?
- (4940) OpenVMS and NTP time synchronization?
- (4941) OpenVMS printing via PC printer?
- (4942) Seeking FMS (FDV) documentation?
- (4943) Bad SCSI hardware?
- (4944) Configuring TCP/IP Services (SMTP)?
- (4945) What is a template device? (cloned)
- (4946) IP Printing error? (LPD_BADPORT, EXQUOTA)
- (4947) Correct use of DCL LIBRARY command?
- (4948) COM object creation, path?
- (4949) Queue and system data replication?
- (4952) Old OpenVMS VAX, new TCP/IP?
- (4953) Help Configuring TCP/IP Services?
- (4954) OpenVMS Management Station and third-party IP?
- (4955) Seeking gzip, gunzip?
- (4956) Which ECOs (patches) have been installed?
- (4958) Mounting disks in a cluster?
- (4959) PATHWORKS32 and Windows 2000?
- (4960) Compaq iPAQ Information?
- (4963) Third-party software? (TCPware)
- (4964) Forwarding SMTP MAIL?
- (4965) SECURITY_POLICY Parameter?
- (4966) DECnet-Plus FTAM Support Status?
- (4967) PATHWORKS shutdown after hours?
- (4969) DCL Lexicals and Calculating Time?
- (4973) Oracle processes looping at LOGINOUT?
- (4974) NTDS Platform Support?
- (4975) Remote Database Access?
- (4976) Apache and External Authentication?
- (4977) Seeking hardware documentation? (DECserver)
- (4978) Seeking Database UI Design Assistance?
- (4979) Help with Compaq Tru64 UNIX?
- (4981) Network frame check error?
- (4982) Specification of Combination Time?
- (4983) Altering SCSI port device name?
- (4984) DAT (DDS) Tape Media Errors?
- (4985) Fortran DECnet task-to-task error?
- (4986) Wildcards and Filenames?
- (4987) Compaq Presario?
- (4988) Compaq Presario?
- (4989) Changing Case of File Contents?
9 August 2000
- (1337) tuning PID process control loops?
- (2875) Support for AlphaServer DS20?
- (3462) Multiplatform process scheduling software?
- (4427) Use of TCP/IP socket REUSEADDR? (DUPLNAM)
- (4502) OpenVMS Futures and Release Roadmap?
- (4563) Connecting OpenVMS to Internet ISP?
- (4566) Connecting modem to Internet ISP?
- (4567) Recommended Network Hardware?
- (4568) Using DCL lexicals from batch?
- (4570) Network troubleshooting?
- (4571) Recovering from corrupted disk?
- (4572) CONVERT illegal record error?
- (4573) Error in UIC specification? (UICERR)
- (4576) Help with UNIX socket programming, DECserver?
- (4577) BACKUP, ACLs, and directories?
- (4578) Configuring and Downloading DECserver?
- (4579) Meaning of RMS_FILEPROT parameter?
- (4580) TCP/IP SET HOST network configuration?
- (4581) DECwindows shared linkage entries? (NOTSHRADR)
- (4582) Meaning of Machine Check messages?
- (4586) Cause of NOLICENSE error? (DECnet)
- (4587) IP telnet (via X.25) printing?
- (4588) Seeking installation documentation?
- (4589) Differing DECnet file transfer times?
- (4590) Seeking CORBA or RPC middleware?
- (4591) Seeking DECserver documentation?
- (4593) API for DLT Cleaning Tape request?
- (4595) Shareable Images vs Shared Memory?
- (4596) Converting Sixel files?
- (4597) Nodename change and PATHWORKS licensing?
- (4598) Secure Disk Media Erasure? (Data Remanence)
- (4599) Third-party printers? (HP 4050)
- (4600) Firmware failsafe loader? (AlphaStation 200)
- (4601) pcAnywhere for OpenVMS? (PEEK, SPY)
- (4602) SUBMIT, Clustering and Queues?
- (4604) Installing and configuring IP?
- (4606) DCL and counting files?
- (4607) Third-party Q-bus hardware? (DQ132)
- (4608) Please file an SPR?
- (4609) StorageWorks HSJ Incompatible Metadata?
- (4610) MONITOR leaves orphan VPM processes?
- (4611) Configuring LPR printing services?
- (4612) Passwords, authentication, and security?
- (4613) Obtaining the size of a file?
- (4614) Help decoding hardware error log?
- (4615) DCL CGI? (web server scripts using DCL)
- (4616) Meaning of ILLFORMED Security Audit?
- (4617) Available OpenVMS Upgrade Paths?
- (4618) Can I Upgrade OpenVMS To...?
- (4619) PPP, modems, and dial-up?
- (4620) C and the DECnet NFBDEF structure?
- (4621) Seeking answers where there are none?
- (4622) Intermittent errors with telnet printing?
- (4623) Clustering and Storage?
- (4626) SNMP MIBs for OpenVMS?
- (4627) Serial communications wiring problem?
- (4629) Booting VAX Standalone from TLZ/DDS/DAT/tape?
- (4630) Seeking software application package?
- (4631) What is a DELNI?
- (4632) Cluster upgrades, prerequisites?
- (4633) Resolving system version mismatch? (SYSVERDIF)
- (4636) Customizing notice text during login?
- (4638) C Compilation? VAX C? (TCPIP$EXAMPLES)
- (4639) Dial-up (modem) connections for OpenVMS?
- (4640) Debugging detached processes?
- (4641) Using Escape character in text editor?
- (4642) Determining disk I/O performance?
- (4644) Miscellaneous VAX hardware questions?
- (4645) SET HOST to HSJ controller?
- (4647) Meaning of Thread Safe?
- (4649) TZ87, TZ88 DLT tape drives and cartridges?
- (4651) Seeking Asynchronous DDCMP?
- (4652) Enabling Telnet keepalive?
- (4653) Network security, firewalls, and tunneling?
- (4654) printing process states from C?
- (4655) MAPI for OpenVMS?
- (4656) IMAP for OpenVMS?
- (4657) Third-party software? (Rdb)
- (4658) Ethernet and Duplex Network terminology?
- (4659) TCP/IP invalid media address? (IVADDR)
- (4662) Perl object method error?
- (4663) Disk Unrecognized by OpenVMS?
- (4664) Switching from AlphaBIOS/ARC to SRM?
- (4666) sys$getjpi and process inswap?
- (4667) Seeking relative system performance?
- (4669) OpenVMS distributions, standalone BACKUP, CD?
- (4670) Mixed-language programming?
- (4672) VAXstation NOSUCHFILE console boot error?
- (4673) OpenVMS VAX to OpenVMS Alpha migration (take III
- (4675) BACKUP Access Violation? (ACCVIO)
- (4676) Text Search and Replace tools?
- (4677) Without details, is an answer possible?
- (4679) TCP/IP NFS Client RWAST?
- (4680) Mount Verify and SCSI Bus Errors?
- (4681) Options for network monitoring?
- (4682) Seeking zip and unzip tools?
- (4684) Seeking software product for OpenVMS?
- (4685) New features for old VAX C compiler?
- (4686) Seeking access to CPU performance data?
- (4690) Determining the OpenVMS Version?
- (4691) (Unspecified) print queue errors?
- (4693) SCSI timeout adjustments?
- (4695) Configuring DECwindows for TCP/IP?
- (4696) Network bandwidth, circuit/path/routing controls?
- (4698) Network configuration, multiple IP routes?
- (4700) Illegal line number error? (BASIC)
- (4701) IP address translation? (NetRAIN)
- (4702) Seeking HSZterm?
- (4703) PCSI, VMSINSTAL, and automated installation?
- (4704) Third-party question? (Word Perfect)
- (4705) Resolving duplicate device names in cluster?
- (4706) Remote PURGE command fails?
- (4708) Accessing file attributes via $qio?
- (4710) Problems with LPR Printing?
- (4714) MAIL, files, and the null device?
- (4715) Shadowing, disk geometry, and INCSHAMEM?
- (4716) Windows NT returning DECnet error?
- (4717) Details of accessing the SCSI protocol?
- (4718) Storage and multipath failover?
- (4721) Reconfiguring cluster boot servers?
- (4722) Monitoring for available CPU time?
- (4723) Seeking third-party tape library support?
- (4724) CI Performance: CIXCD vs CIPCA?
- (4726) Looking at PC disks from OpenVMS? (SMB)
- (4727) Floating point conversions?
- (4728) Porting VAX Macro32? (shareable image)
- (4729) Configuring cluster allocation classes?
- (4731) IP Network Connectivity?
- (4732) HP Printers and Blank Pages?
- (4733) Interlocked PAL calls and retries?
- (4734) Seeking Software Product For...?
- (4736) Intermittent cluster drive off-line errors?
- (4737) Batch job stuck in aborting state?
- (4738) AlphaServer sees Windows 2000 Server?
- (4739) Determining SCSI disk configuration?
- (4740) Missing FMS Routine?
- (4741) Tracking record-level file lock contention?
- (4742) Seeking to acquire licenses for OpenVMS?
- (4743) Problems with TCP/IP V4.2 on OpenVMS V7.2?
- (4744) Fibre Channel configuration support?
- (4745) ECOs? Patches? Remedial Kits?
- (4746) DECwindows X11R6 version?
- (4747) Serving NFS via SMB?
- (4748) Moving to OpenVMS?
- (4749) Lawyers, Patents and OpenVMS Internals?
- (4751) OpenVMS Protection Masks? (RMS_FILEPROT)
- (4752) DCPS, $sndjbc, and parameters?
- (4753) Remote network backup to PC fails?
- (4756) Complex network planning?
- (4757) Programming an IP-based server?
- (4758) Third-party software? (MultiNet)
- (4759) Page read errors? (PAGRDERR)
- (4760) PATHWORKS Upgrades, NT (W2K) Compatibility?
- (4761) Security Auditing and CMDINPUT errors?
- (4762) INSTALL, UNLOCK, and FLK errors?
- (4763) Third-party software? (Windows NT)
- (4764) Seeking Datatrieve documentation?
- (4765) Third-party hardware? (dataset hangup)
- (4766) Dumping raw (hexidecimal) file contents?
- (4769) NFS Client and File Versions?
- (4770) BACKUP not completing?
- (4771) BACKUP and version limits?
- (4772) Remote network file access?
- (4773) OpenVMS VAX distribution media kits?
- (4774) Seeking web browser for OpenVMS?
- (4775) Heterogeneous FTP performance?
- (4776) ODS-2/ODS-5 disk (storage bitmap) internals?
- (4777) Thread-safety, re-entrancy, and BASIC?
- (4778) OpenVMS Authentication, Evasion, Auditing APIs?
- (4779) Third-party software? (CDD)
- (4780) Problems with telnet and eight-bit?
- (4781) Help installing OpenVMS VAX?
- (4782) StorageWorks hardware configuration?
- (4783) Supported product version information?
- (4784) COM compiler requirements?
- (4785) Print queues and forms?
- (4786) IP Network Design?
- (4788) Distributed process control?
- (4789) DECevent and ANALYZE/ERROR? (CEHFND)
- (4790) StorageWorks SCSI Cabling?
- (4791) DECevent automatic analysis still running?