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Welcome to V12 of the OpenVMS Technical Journal. As you may know this technical journal is done on a completely voluntary basis and hence our "other work" can take priority. I would like to personally thank the team that makes the OpenVMS Technical Journal possible, you are truly a gift.
In this version you will find many articles that will interest you.
From the OpenVMS engineering group, Ajo Jose Panoor, Dick Stockdale, and Anand Ramaswamy have written a great article on LAN troubleshooting techniques. We have an excellent article from Sushruta Nadig in the OpenVMS storage group on Intelligent Scheduling using Fuzzy Logic in applications, Ravi Uppada's article on Alternatives to HP SNA Server, and Rishi Singhal's article on Installing and Configuring a Wiki engine on OpenVMS. We also have an article on Access Restrictions in FTP from Anand Shenoy of OpenVMS TCP/IP engineering.
Also in this edition, you'll find articles from two of our OpenVMS friends. Bruce Claremont has written an article on how to make life easier by using the /RETAIN=ERROR qualifier and Tim Sneddon wrote an article on Calling OpenVMS Native Routines from Java.
We would appreciate your feedback not only on this issue but the OpenVMS Technical Journal as a whole.
If you would like to submit an article for the next issue please click here.
Thank you for your continued support,
Article Title: Intelligent scheduling using fuzzy logic in applications -
Article Abstract:
To reduce the bottleneck caused by multiple applications performing specific tasks on the productions systems, some tasks which are CPU consuming or which do lot of IO or require time to complete can be scheduled in intervals, when the load on the system will be very minimal. An intelligent scheduler that has intelligence like humans to distinguish things can schedule jobs automatically based on the kind of the job, CPU consumption, priority and other factors. This will help improving the performance bottlenecks. Introducing fuzzy logic to schedulers will bring in that aspect of reasoning to schedulers in applications.
Author Bio:
Sushruta Chandrashekara is an Electronics Engineering graduate who has worked for Hewlett Packard for 4 years. Right from the beginning of employment with HP, Sushruta has been working with OpenVMS products. For the past three years, Sushruta has been part of the OpenVMS storage team in India.
Article Title: Utilizing /RETAIN=ERROR to make life easier -
Article Abstract:
The /RETAIN=ERROR qualifier is a useful tool to identify problem batch and print jobs. This article discusses how to deploy the qualifier to your advantage as part of OpenVMS system maintenance and monitoring.
Author Bio:
Bruce Claremont has a degree in Computer Science and has been working with OpenVMS since 1983. Mr. Claremont has extensive programming, project management, and system management experience. He has worked all sides of the fence, as a customer, software engineer, system manager, delivery specialist, project manager, and business owner. He founded Migration Specialties in 1992 and continues to deliver OpenVMS, software migration, and legacy hardware replacement services. More information about Migration Specialties products and services can be found at www.MigrationSpecialties.com.
Article Title: Access Restrictions in FTP -
Article Abstract:
Starting with v5.6 ECO3, TCP/IP offers a simple method of restricting user access to a directory or particular set of directories.
Author Bio:
Ananth Shenoy works for OpenVMS in the TCP/IP engineering group.
Article Title: Alternatives to HP SNA server for HP OpenVMS Integrity servers -
Article Abstract:
HP SNA Server for OpenVMS will not be ported to HP Integrity servers. However, by using the communications options described in this article, your Integrity server can become part of an IBM SNA network.
Author Bio:
Ravindhar Uppada (Ravi) has been working with HP and OpenVMS Engineering for 6 years. Ravi has worked with Distributed Computing Environment, COM/DCOM, OpenVMS TCP/IP and IBM Interconnect products. Ravi currently is the Engineering Manager responsible for OpenVMS Storage Management Software and BACKUP products.
Avinash Bilumane Lingappa has been working with HP and OpenVMS Engineering for 3.5 years. Avinash has worked with IBM Interconnect products. Avinash currently is the Build, Release and Test Lead responsible for the HP OpenVMS Common Internet File System (CIFS) product.
Article Title: Calling OpenVMS native routines from Java -
Article Abstract:
This article is a brief introduction and tutorial on the use of a collection of tools offered by Kednos intended to make it easier for Java and native code to interact. Although Kednos' primary business is PL/I compilers, the tools described in this article can be used to interface Java with any native OpenVMS language that adheres to the common calling standard.
Author Bio:
Tim Sneddon is currently employed at Kednos, the producers of the PL/I compiler for OpenVMS VAX and Alpha and Tru64. As well as developing and extending the tools discussed in this article, Tim has been instrumental in porting the PL/I Run-Time Library to Itanium for translated images. He has also been involved in improving the TIE Run-Time Library and AEST translator. Prior to Kednos Tim worked for Reynolds & Reynolds Pty. Ltd. as a Systems Programmer.
Article Title: LAN troubleshooting techniques -
Article Abstract:
This article describes techniques to diagnose and address OpenVMS LAN problems. These problems can be attributed to setup problems, network configuration issues, faulty hardware, or software bugs in the OpenVMS LAN code. The primary focus is on current LAN devices supported by OpenVMS Alpha and I64. The following areas are covered:
- Network configuration
- Application configuration
- LAN counters
- LAN buffer management
- LAN trace
- LAN setup issues
Author Bio:
Richard Stockdale joined Digital Equipment Corporation in June 1978. He has spent most of his entire tenure with Digital/Compaq/HP working on network adapters, diagnostics, firmware, and drivers. Dick holds a BS in Computer Science and a minor in Electrical Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Dick lives in New Hampshire with his wife and 10 cats and a dog.
Anand Ramaswamy has a masters degree in computer science working in Hewlett Packard for 4 years. He has been associated with the OpenVMS networking team in India for the past 3 years.
Ajo Jose Panoor has been with HP for 3.5 years and he works for OpenVMS DECnet & LAN Engineering. Ajo holds a bachelor's degree in Computer Science.
Article Title: Installing and configuring a wiki engine on OpenVMS -
Article Abstract:
A wiki is a collection of web pages designed to enable users to contribute or modify content, using a simplified markup language. This article provides a brief introduction to wikis, the advantages of a wiki for knowledge management, and a step-by-step approach to configuring a wiki engine (such as PmWiki) on an I64 system.
Author Bio:
Rishi Singhal works for HP in the OpenVMS Utilities and Tools group.