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DIGITAL SNA access server migration guide

[Top] [Prev] [Next] [Index] [Contents] DIGITAL SNA Access Server Migration Guide 

Checklist of Planning Steps

Whatever the size or complexity of the network, a successful migration requires planning. Planning helps ensure continued communication throughout the network during migration, with a minimum of disruption to users. 

The checklist in Table 3-1 summarizes the planning steps necessary to prepare the migration plan. Each step and sub-step is then discussed in detail in the remaining sections of this chapter. 

Note that you should be familiar with the information in Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 before beginning migration planning. 

Once the planning phase is completed, you're ready to implement the migration. Chapter 4 contains a checklist of steps for implementing the migration, with detailed descriptions of each step.

Table 3-1: Checklist of Planning Steps 

Step 1: Be Trained on SNA Server and Windows NT Server 
_____  Be trained on Microsoft SNA Server. 
_____  Be trained on Microsoft Window NT Server operating system. 
Step 2: Audit Your Current Network Configuration 
_____  Determine connection information to the IBM system. 
_____  Get a hardcopy of the current (up-to-date) DECnet SNA Gateway configuration file. 
_____  Become familiar with the DECnet SNA Gateway configuration. 
_____  Determine whether the Access Server Gateway can functionally replace the DECnet SNA Gateway. 
_____  Determine what OpenVMS access routines are being used and who is using them. 
Step 3: Plan Your Migration Strategy 
_____  Coexistence of DECnet SNA Gateway and Access Server Gateway. 
_____  Replacement of DECnet SNA Gateway by Access Server Gateway. 
_____  Define tests to validate the Access Server Gateway. 
Step 4: Choose the Network Transport 
_____  Choose DECnet to continue as the network transport or add TCP/IP. 
Step 5: Complete the SNA Server Preparation Forms 
_____  Complete the Forms for Configuring the Server and Connections
_____  Complete the Forms for Configuring LUs
Step 6: Determine Any Impact to the IBM System 
_____  Review plans with IBM system administrator to determine impact. 
_____  Coordinate changes with the IBM system administrator. 
Step 7: Develop the Access Server Gateway Configuration 
_____  Specify and map LU names. 
_____  Complete the Access Server Configuration Worksheet. 
The following topics describe the steps in more detail. 

[Top] [Prev] [Next] [Index] [Contents] DIGITAL SNA Access Server Migration Guide