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HP OpenVMS Systems

Ask the Wizard archive (January 2002 - June 2002)

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Ask the Wizard archive (January 2002 - June 2002)

    11 June 2002
  1.  (1661)  Debugging synchronization problems? (SMP)
  2.  (5845)  Handling file version roll-over (at 32767)?
  3.  (7554)  FTP Transfer Verification?
  4.  (7627)  Purchasing/Ordering/Buying Documentation?
  5.  (7628)  Meaning of File Identification? (FID)
  6.  (7629)  Shared memory programming? ($updsec)
  7.  (7630)  DECthreads bugcheck (reason lckHandoff)?
  8.  (7631)  Tape drive stuck mounted-dismount?
  9.  (7632)  Resolving COPY invalid login? (INVLOGIN)
  10.  (7633)  GCT Minor Revision Mismatch?
  11.  (7634)  PRINT and Key Not Found? (KEYNOTFND)
  12.  (7635)  Calculating Week Number?
  13.  (7636)  Reconfiguring DSSI hardware?
  14.  (7637)  Cluster Quorum, Partitioning, and Corruptions?
  15.  (7638)  TCP/IP `stops working'?
  16.  (7639)  Managing Files, File Transfers?
  17.  (7640)  Setting MSCP Disk Prefered Path?
  18.  (7642)  Accessing Windows Domain?
  19.  (7643)  MDB File Extension? (ACMS)
  20.  (7644)  FTP (FTP_NETERR, TIMEOUT) errors?
  21.  (7645)  Printing (converting, displaying) PDF files?
  22.  (7646)  Reconfigure DECnet-Plus?
  23.  (7647)  connect to network object rejected?
  24.  (7648)  DCL Programming and $STATUS?
  25.  (7649)  Configuring sender address in MAILbus?
  26.  (7650)  DEC 2000 console SCSI error?
  27.  (7651)  VIOC (VCC) Caching?
  28.  (7652)  BACKUP and disks marked /NOUNLOAD?
  29.  (7654)  BACKUP and DCL Error Handling?
  30.  (7657)  Controlling MAIL and MAIL$*.MAI files?
  31.  (7658)  COBOL Compiler Access Violation?
  32.  (7660)  Lock Manager Dynamic Memory?
  33.  (7661)  Older TCP/IP Services telnetsym print stall?
  34.  (7662)  Disable Printer Symbiont Message Broadcasts?
  35.  (7663)  UNIX Command Shell (csh) on OpenVMS?
  36.  (7664)  DECserver 200, DELNI, and echo pauses?
  37.  (7666)  Seeking CSWS (Apache) Source Code?
  38.  (7667)  System Disk Full? (RESCRITICAL)
  39.  (7668)  PCSI INVSPIDST1 Error?
  40.  (7669)  Cluster Storage Hardware Options?
  41.  (7671)  Seeking IP Printing Documentation?
  42.  (7672)  TLZ Loader MKDRIVER update for OpenVMS VAX?
  43.  (7673)  Obtaining ECO Kit Ratings?
  44.  (7675)  File Version Limits? (;32767)
  45.  (7676)  Debugging LIB$SPAWN?
  46.  (7677)  Third-party Software? (Oracle)
  47.  (7678)  No Graphics Device Found? (NODEVICE)
  48.  (7680)  Powerhouse on NFS Disk Volume?
  49.  (7681)  VAXstation console (hardware) error?
  50.  (7682)  RMS File Sharing, EOF Marker?
  51.  (7683)  MicroVAX console (hardware) error?
  52.  (7684)  FTP Transfer Verification? (take II)
  53.  (7685)  Remote/Network Printing Tutorial?
  54.  (7688)  Saving TCP/IP SYSCONFIG changes?
  55.  (7689)  Limits on numbers of channels? (DECnet)
  56.  (7690)  Establishing IP Gateway?

    21 May 2002

  57.  (2518)  IP Printing to Xerox printer?
  58.  (7536)  C++ CXXLINK Errors, Missing Global Symbols?
  59.  (7537)  Printer and Embedded Control Sequences?
  60.  (7539)  Getting HELP on System Parameters?
  61.  (7540)  PCSI INVSPIDST1, disk volume label change?
  62.  (7541)  More than one IP address per NIC? (Alias)
  63.  (7542)  DECmigrate (VEST, TIE) Documentation?
  64.  (7543)  Calling COBOL from Java? (JNI)
  65.  (7545)  SCSI Disk Parity Error?
  66.  (7547)  Third-party Software? (OMTOOL)
  67.  (7549)  Why?
  68.  (7550)  Why?
  69.  (7551)  Virtual Memory and Access Violation? (ACCVIO)
  70.  (7552)  How to Debug Applications?
  71.  (7553)  FMS?
  72.  (7555)  OpenVMS Upward-Compatibility Statement?
  73.  (7556)  Tuning BACKUP Performance?
  74.  (7557)  Tuning OpenVMS RMS I/O Performance?
  75.  (7558)  OpenVMS Alpha Standalone BACKUP?
  76.  (7559)  Unrecognized Individual Destination PDU? (DECnet)
  77.  (7560)  TCP/IP Printer Information?
  78.  (7562)  operation requires CMKRNL privilege?
  79.  (7563)  RENAME and File Version Limit? (;32767)
  80.  (7564)  Finding RMS Record and File Lock Owners?
  81.  (7566)  Understanding TCP/IP Services netstat?
  82.  (7567)  File DIFFERENCES?
  83.  (7568)  SMTP, POP, IMAP MAIL Client?
  84.  (7569)  The page cannot be displayed? (FTP)
  85.  (7570)  OpenVMS SMB Client? Access NT Server Files?
  86.  (7571)  DECwindows Example Programs? (Fortran)
  87.  (7572)  PCX and CREATE/TERMINAL?
  88.  (7573)  Report of bug in SMTP SFF BCC handling?
  89.  (7574)  BACKUP /IMAGE, file selection operations?
  90.  (7576)  Third-party Software?
  91.  (7577)  Microsoft C++ compiler and OpenVMS?
  92.  (7578)  VXL and missing X Windows Fonts?
  93.  (7580)  Debugging Bogus Return (Condition) Values?
  94.  (7581)  Hobbyist Distribution Kit CD-ROM contents?
  95.  (7582)  Support and Future for OpenVMS?
  96.  (7583)  UltraSCSI and RAID Controllers?
  97.  (7584)  Restricting OpenVMS User Access?
  98.  (7586)  BACKUP and tape label selection?
  99.  (7588)  Editing RMS relative and indexed files?
  100.  (7589)  PCSI Product Material Ordering Error?
  101.  (7590)  Finding Software Package? (Revision Control)
  102.  (7591)  Current and Prior Version Support?
  103.  (7593)  Purchasing/upgrading/buying/prices?
  104.  (7594)  Tracking BYTLM quota use?
  105.  (7596)  TCP/IP Print Request Rejected? (LPD_REQREJECT)
  106.  (7597)  DNS$CACHE file version 32767?
  107.  (7598)  Signals, VAXC$ESTABLISH, LIB$ESTABLISH?
  108.  (7599)  Seeks Alpha Semiconductor Sourcing?
  109.  (7600)  Seeks Software Package For...?
  110.  (7601)  Seeks Network Error Counters?
  111.  (7602)  Disk Shadowing Geometry, Size Restrictions?
  112.  (7603)  Keystroke Monitoring?
  113.  (7604)  C++ run-time problem? (atol)
  114.  (7605)  Seeking language (C) documentation?
  115.  (7606)  Third-party storage? (IVADDR)
  116.  (7607)  License INCLUDE list (NOINC) error?
  117.  (7608)  RMS indexed file conversions? (CSV, text)
  118.  (7609)  Help Debugging Serial Printer Connection?
  119.  (7610)  Help Debugging DECnet Proxies?
  120.  (7611)  Security and Data Erasure? (MAIL)
  121.  (7612)  PowerTerm disconnects
  122.  (7613)  DECserver, LAT, MOP configuration?
  123.  (7614)  Nolisten Service Disabled - POP Server
  124.  (7615)  RMS File Pattern Replacement?
  125.  (7618)  DCL COPY, RENAME, and date arcana?
  126.  (7619)  What sets MODPARAMS.DAT INTERCONNECT?
  127.  (7620)  Debugger and Line Numbers?
  128.  (7622)  Acquiring old, retired software packages?
  129.  (7623)  FTP Transfer, Unformated EBCDIC Data File?
  130.  (7624)  OpenVMS Cluster, Volume Shadowing?
  131.  (7625)  AUTOGEN and LOCKIDTBL_MAX?
  132.  (7626)  Distributed Database Query?

    29 March 2002

  134.  (3257)  Debugging memory allocation problems?
  135.  (4209)  Adjusting ARP Cache Expiration?
  136.  (6618)  Seeking OpenVMS PAKGEN PAK Generator?
  137.  (6870)  Debugging memory allocation problems?
  138.  (7110)  Help debugging ACCVIO?
  139.  (7438)  Configuring PATHWORKS Printing?
  140.  (7439)  LATCP SET PORT command failure?
  141.  (7440)  KZCCA on OpenVMS VAX?
  142.  (7441)  Meaning of Disk Device Error Counts?
  143.  (7442)  AlphaServer 2100A Memory Upgrade?
  144.  (7443)  Windows PC DNS Lookups Slow?
  145.  (7444)  Advanced Server License PAKs?
  146.  (7445)  Trapping Broadcasts?
  147.  (7446)  SCSI tape device configuration?
  148.  (7447)  Help Configuring Windows NT?
  149.  (7449)  Text Search and Replace tools? (take II)
  150.  (7450)  Third-party LINK Errors? (Oracle)
  151.  (7451)  Causes of System Reboot?
  152.  (7452)  ECP Data Collector kit?
  153.  (7453)  SMTP mail and the apostrophe?
  154.  (7454)  Seeking DECmigrate? (VEST)
  155.  (7455)  Aging SYSUAF Entries by Last Login?
  156.  (7456)  Batch and Print Queue Job Entry Numbers?
  157.  (7457)  Meaning of RWCAP Process State?
  158.  (7459)  TEAMDATA?
  159.  (7460)  MONITOR CLUSTER hangs system?
  160.  (7461)  Deleting EXE_OLD Files after PCSI Upgrade?
  161.  (7462)  Configuring NTP Time?
  162.  (7465)  DCL and Mailboxes?
  163.  (7466)  Spooled Devices and IP Printing?
  164.  (7467)  MPW system parameter values?
  165.  (7469)  Java on (Older) OpenVMS?
  166.  (7471)  LMF Licensing (NOAUTH) Errors?
  167.  (7472)  Call Tree? (Pascal)
  168.  (7473)  Pascal Programming; Function Pointer?
  169.  (7474)  Deleting spooled files, printing, ANALYZE/DISK?
  170.  (7475)  Maximum DCL Buffer Sizes? (Symbols, PIPE)
  171.  (7476)  Application Exits with Unexpected Error Code?
  172.  (7477)  DCL-W-CONFLICT, illegal combination?
  173.  (7478)  Microsoft Windows Corrupts OpenVMS Files?
  174.  (7479)  Trigger for System Reboot? (restart)
  175.  (7482)  Acquiring NTPDATE on Older TCP/IP?
  176.  (7483)  TCP/IP Services gethostname() call?
  177.  (7484)  Text Search and Replace tools? (take II)
  178.  (7485)  Telnet printing and HP Printer?
  179.  (7486)  Printcap LPD_NOSPOOLDIR error?
  180.  (7487)  Adding/Upgrading Processor Module? (SMP)
  181.  (7489)  Disk Partitioning?
  182.  (7490)  LPR, connect to network object rejected?
  183.  (7491)  RMS dynamic memory exhausted? (DME, CRMP)
  184.  (7492)  Seeking DECset PCA documentation?
  185.  (7493)  POP Server and SMTP Mail Null Reply-To?
  186.  (7494)  CMS NOEXTENDEDREF error on ODS-2 disk?
  187.  (7495)  Seeking VAX cross-compiler for Alpha?
  188.  (7496)  Oracle and INSFMEM Errors?
  189.  (7505)  Maximum Number of TCP/IP Device Sockets?
  190.  (7506)  Calling LAT $QIO in Pascal?
  191.  (7507)  Which ECO (patch) kits are needed?
  192.  (7508)  Replacing LAT with Telnet?
  193.  (7509)  Port OpenVMS to Other Platforms?
  194.  (7510)  Repairing Corrupt OpenVMS Image?
  195.  (7512)  Determining Disk I/O Performance?
  196.  (7513)  Determining System Performance?
  197.  (7514)  RMS File Formats?
  198.  (7517)  DECwindows cannot open display?
  199.  (7518)  A5.5 and upgrading old queue manager?
  200.  (7519)  DFO I/O Transfer Size? (DFG$TRANSFERSIZE)
  201.  (7520)  TCP/IP Services License PAK?
  202.  (7521)  Reporting OpenVMS FAQ problems, suggestions?
  203.  (7522)  Connect OpenVMS to Internet? (Security)
  204.  (7523)  Third-party hardware?
  205.  (7524)  Same filename, differing contents across cluster
  206.  (7527)  Problem Printing Postscript to HP 4000N?
  207.  (7528)  What version of OpenVMS do I need?
  208.  (7529)  setting DECnet NCP line and circuit state?
  209.  (7530)  LAT and IP, Gateway or Tunnel?
  210.  (7531)  Cannot increase BALSETCNT, Virtual Addressing?
  211.  (7532)  Session Support Utility (SSU) Freeware?
  212.  (7533)  Copy OpenVMS system disk to another host?
  213.  (7534)  DECnet Line Synchronization Errors?
  214.  (7535)  SYS$SHARE:, Shareable Image Activation, ACTIMAGE

    20 February 2002

  215.  (0002)  Accessing MONITOR per-CPU Information
  216.  (1017)  dynamic invocation of the debugger?
  217.  (1705)  Help debugging an ACCVIO? (take II)
  218.  (2696)  Comparison of LAT and Telnet?
  219.  (3280)  Outbound Telnet to a printer? (DECserver)
  220.  (4045)  Determining IP Printer Ports? (take II)
  221.  (4129)  Generating a traceback? (stackdump)
  222.  (4195)  Determining IP Printer Ports? (NT)
  223.  (4269)  Determining IP Printer Ports? (take III)
  224.  (4626)  SNMP MIBs for OpenVMS?
  225.  (5485)  Determining LAT printer port information?
  226.  (5702)  Calling exe$getspi? (MONITOR API)
  227.  (7151)  LAT over IP Network?
  228.  (7376)  Problems with older TCP/IP and older PATHWORKS?
  229.  (7377)  Configuring DE500 Ethernet NIC?
  230.  (7378)  Configuring a Modem on OpenVMS?
  231.  (7379)  Controlling FTP Server Log Creation?
  232.  (7381)  Seeking OpenVMS Printer Drivers?
  233.  (7382)  Distributed Lock Manager Primer?
  234.  (7383)  Memory Interlocking Granularity?
  235.  (7385)  Meaning of SHRIDMISMAT Image Ident Mismatch?
  236.  (7386)  DIGITAL Server (PWS-a) series?
  237.  (7387)  I/O Redirection, Record Format?
  238.  (7388)  Problems Debugging DCL Procedure?
  240.  (7390)  Third-party software? (OSDS, OSMS, Optical)
  241.  (7391)  Subprocesses, Persona Services, Security?
  242.  (7392)  OpenVMS Upgrade Doc, Download Kits?
  243.  (7394)  IP Network and Cluster Alias?
  244.  (7395)  BACKUP, tapes, and Operator Assistance?
  245.  (7396)  Mass Process Hibernation?
  246.  (7397)  Event Flag (EF) Internals?
  247.  (7398)  Telnetsym IP print symbiont timeout error?
  248.  (7399)  Intermittant FTP network problems?
  249.  (7400)  resolv.conf; IP domain searchlist?
  250.  (7401)  Batch and Print Queue DCL Lexical?
  251.  (7402)  Third-party Product? (Rdb)
  252.  (7403)  MicroVAX console DEVINACT Q-bus error?
  253.  (7404)  RZ26 jumpers?
  254.  (7405)  Unspecified MONITOR network errors?
  255.  (7406)  Network Configuration Security Auditing?
  256.  (7407)  Simplex and Duplex IP Printing?
  257.  (7408)  Process hang at EXE$CANCELN+00220?

    7 January 2002

  258.  (2099)  Tape-to-Tape Saveset Copy?
  259.  (2851)  Identifying Memory Channel model?
  260.  (4904)  Tape-to-tape data copy?
  261.  (6984)  Bitlocks, interlocks, synchronization?
  262.  (7321)  DTFILE Drag and Drop and RWAST?
  263.  (7323)  Third-party software? (Oracle 9i)
  264.  (7324)  HP Printers and Formfeeds?
  265.  (7325)  FIGlet or Banner for OpenVMS?
  266.  (7326)  UPS, Battery, Standby Power?
  267.  (7327)  Making DECss7 GTT rules static?
  268.  (7328)  Q-bus CD-ROM drive options?
  269.  (7329)  Layered (LP), System Integrated (SIP) Terms?
  270.  (7330)  Resolving Physical Device Name Dependency?
  271.  (7331)  API to generate 128-bit UUID?
  272.  (7332)  Server Symbiont Data Corruption?
  273.  (7333)  Unspecified Programming Errors, Example Code?
  274.  (7334)  Meaning of VOLINV Error?
  275.  (7336)  Errant Printer Percent Postscript Autosense?
  276.  (7337)  IP Print Symbiont SYMDEL ACCVIO?
  277.  (7338)  Question on $getrmi itemcodes?
  278.  (7339)  SMTP mail via telnet?
  279.  (7340)  Printer Forms Control, Initialization?
  280.  (7341)  RMS Indexed File Corruptions? (IRC)
  281.  (7342)  DECwrite, DDIF, CDA, and file conversions?
  282.  (7343)  Finding Disk Storage Hogs?
  283.  (7344)  Kernel-Mode Changes? (PSB)
  284.  (7345)  Form Names and Device Control Libraries?
  285.  (7346)  Sorting DIRECTORY Output by Date? (take II)
  286.  (7348)  PURGE ALL not really ALL?
  287.  (7352)  Multi-platform Development? (LINK)
  288.  (7353)  Optimal Disk Cluster Factor?
  289.  (7354)  RESTART SYS, FAIL, BOOT SYS?
  290.  (7355)  TLZ07 tape on VAX 4000 model 705A?
  291.  (7356)  DCL procedure and image exit?
  292.  (7357)  Compiler Analysis file format documented?
  293.  (7359)  Mailbox, Network Tasks Within Cluster?
  294.  (7362)  Quorum disk on Fibre Channel SAN?
  295.  (7363)  Directory File is not named .DIR;1? (DIRNAME)
  296.  (7364)  LANCP database creation?
  297.  (7365)  IDE Disks and controllers on OpenVMS?
  298.  (7366)  Copy Contents Of Magtape (to tape)?
  299.  (7367)  PGFLOCBAD pagefault bad location field bugcheck?
  300.  (7368)  File Protections, Security, Privileges?
  301.  (7369)  Configuring a Modem on OpenVMS?
  303.  (7371)  Reconfiguring IP Domain?
  304.  (7372)  LU6.2 (APPC) over IP?
  305.  (7373)  TCP/IP Services V5.0A ECO 3 is V5.0-113?
  306.  (7374)  DECwindows, Terminals, and Keyboards?
  307.  (7375)  Resetting System Parameters?