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18 November 2002
- (0014) Conversational Bootstrap? (take I)
- (0430) How to reset IP address?
- (0440) Printing via Parallel Port on OpenVMS Alpha?
- (0476) Conversational Bootstrap? (take II)
- (1069) how to change IP address?
- (1462) Conversational Bootstrap? (take III)
- (1630) Seeks DECevent kit?
- (1781) TCP/IP (UCX) LPRSETUP printcap symbols?
- (2744) Current version of DECevent (DIAGNOSE) tool?
- (3018) Conversational bootstrap? (single-user mode)
- (3991) Changing IP addresses?
- (5293) Conversational Bootstrap? (take IV)
- (5777) Changing IP Address?
- (5871) Seeking DECevent kit?
- (6431) Host-, backplane- and bus-based RAID?
- (6664) Seeking DECevent (Compaq Analyze) Info?
- (6934) DECevent (DIAGNOSE) and Compaq Analyze Tools?
- (7254) Seeking TDMS Upgrade Path?
- (7293) TDMS and ISO-8859 characters?
- (7710) Changing IP address, host name?
- (7915) Availability of OpenVMS Patch (ECO) Kits?
- (7916) Product Descriptions V/V and V/A?
- (7918) Apache (CSWS) Webserver Performance?
- (7919) Setting the host node name?
- (7920) Disk Corruptions, ANALYZE, and BACKUPs?
- (7922) DCPS Queue Stalls in STARTING? (Canon Printer)
- (7923) DECnet Ping?
- (7924) SHOW DEVICE, DIRECTORY, and disk usage?
- (7925) IP rsh privilege (NOPRIV) error with bind?
- (7926) Client-server programming? Terminal Emulators?
- (7927) VAX/VMS V5.2, HSC70, and cannot upgrade?
- (7928) Patch or ECO kit checksum? Boot Failure?
- (7929) Disaster recovery, hot standby site, cluster?
- (7930) Managing and Deleting Queues?
- (7931) Third-party IP Firewall, Security Boxes?
- (7933) ODBC and third-party database performance?
- (7934) Datatrieve and inaccessable forms library?
- (7935) Changing the IP Address? (take III)
- (7936) file is not expired (FILNOTEXP) error?
- (7937) SRM T-ERR-SCSI and Bootblock error?
- (7938) Seeking OpenVMS and DCL Tutorial?
- (7939) NFS crash?
- (7940) NSTATS and XSTATS OPCOM messages?
- (7941) Suppressing initial formfeed on print?
- (7942) Managing and Viewing Queues?
- (7943) Finding and executing SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM?
- (7944) IP programming; API for DNS/BIND?
- (7945) No Support for -a and Whitebox Systems?
- (7948) SCSI unit and disk device names?
- (7949) Reconfiguring IP NICs, Cluster Alias?
- (7951) getenv, setenv, symbols and logical names?
- (7952) Seeking NCS collation customization help?
- (7953) System Time Synchronization?
- (7954) IP address of DHCP Client? WINS, DNS/BIND?
- (7955) Meaning of RWINS state?
- (7956) Calling JNI from [language]?
- (7957) Advanced Server and SMP?
- (7958) Maintain or duplicate MAIL on OpenVMS?
- (7959) LAT, telnet, and LPR/LPD?
- (7960) C and Virtual Memory Management? (take II)
- (7961) Seeking Compaq Analyze? (and DECevent)
- (7963) Disabling MOP Services?
- (7964) Renaming an OpenVMS Host?
- (7967) BACKUP/SINCE File Selection Processing?
- (7968) Finding cause of unauthorized license error?
- (7969) Merging Multiple MAIL.MAI Files?
- (7970) APB.EXE is missing?
- (7971) Bad or unsupported floppy disk causes crashes?
- (7972) Installing OpenVMS Alpha? (take I)
- (7973) Automatic Daylight Savings Time (DST)?
- (7974) DECwindows Instability, Mouse Dropping Off?
- (7975) Locating Frequently-Accessed (Hot) RMS Files?
- (7977) Current and Prior Version Support Information?
- (7978) Apple Macintosh OS X SMB (and NFS) disk services?
- (7979) Installing OpenVMS Alpha? (take II)
- (7980) Preserving Terminal Session? (Virtual Terminals)
- (7982) Conversational Bootstrap? (take V)
- (7983) DECnet-Plus DECdns for OpenVMS Alpha?
- (7984) C include files, system service declarations?
- (7985) C putenv and setting DCL symbols?
- (7986) Image Activation, Linking, Shareable Images?
- (7987) Installing Shareable Images with Privileges?
- (7988) Obtaining UIC information in DCL?
- (7989) Obtaining Hardware Support?
- (7991) Privileged access for non-priv user? (OPCOM)
- (7992) Reading and Writing PC Floppy Disks?
- (7993) TCP/IP (UCX) LPRSETUP printcap symbols?
- (7994) Problems with TCP/IP XDM?
- (7995) Researching queue manager ENQLM failure?
- (7996) Third-party (parallel) printing? (Epson)
- (7997) BACKUP Tuning and I/O Performance?
- (7998) Configuring a Dial-up Modem?
- (7999) V7.2-6C1, V7.2-6C2 DII COE Integration?
- (8000) IP telnet print symbiont problems?
- (8001) Third-party printers? (Nashuatec)
- (8002) Is the Queue Manager Running?
- (8003) Seeking IP Cluster Load Balancing Documentation?
- (8004) Changing IP Host Address?
- (8005) DECevent and Compaq Analyze Download Kits?
- (8006) BASEstar and DECosap Version Support?
- (8007) No I/O channel available? (NOIOCHAN)
- (8008) Seeking help with unsupported hardware?
- (8009) BACKUP /NEW_VERSION and version inversion?
- (8010) Connecting IP Printer?
- (8011) Proper Status Code Processing?
- (8012) Renaming Files within a BACKUP Saveset?
- (8013) Lost or Forgotten SYSTEM Password?
- (8014) PATHWORKS Client and Server Licensing?
- (8015) Performance of Mailbox Communications?
- (8016) Average Process CPU Usage?
- (8018) Connecting IP Printer?
- (8019) telnet BIND_SESSION and CREATE_SESSION?
- (8021) BACKUP, MOUNT and NOTANSI media errors?
- (8022) Memory Channel (MC) on V7.3-1?
- (8023) Decoding Mutex (EFWM) States?
- (8024) LAN traffic monitor for IP network?
14 October 2002
- (0874) BEA MessageQ Information?
- (7255) TCP/IP rsh NOPRIV privilege error?
- (7875) ODS-2 and ODS-5 Filename Specifications?
- (7876) C and Virtual Memory Management?
- (7877) Setting Ethernet Speed, Negotiation?
- (7878) Third-party Storage? (Exabyte)
- (7879) Platform Support? Whitebox? Windows NT-only series
- (7880) Meaning of and causes of INVLOGIN error?
- (7881) Meaning of SHOW DEVICE trans count?
- (7882) DECwindows CDE Automatic Login?
- (7883) MOUNT, Labels, Logicals, and Device Naming?
- (7884) INITIALIZE disk volume for maximum files?
- (7885) Handling File Version Limits?
- (7886) C RTL I/O stream and record context?
- (7887) Disk-to-disk BACKUP operations?
- (7888) Meaning of bad pages and memory holes?
- (7889) Telnet/LPD/LPR/IP Printing?
- (7891) Third-party software? (DECscheduler)
- (7892) OSU Webserver vs CSWS, for DCL CGI?
- (7893) Console Serial Lines, Communications, BREAK?
- (7894) BACKUP and index file error (PROCINDEX)?
- (7895) Compaq Insight Management Agents?
- (7896) Programming IP, Protocols?
- (7897) Moving OpenVMS VAX to Alpha?
- (7898) Unable to add new cluster member?
- (7899) IP and multiple NIC failover?
- (7900) Searching for Files, Subdirectories? Wildcards?
- (7901) Support info? (STARS, DSNlink, WIS; RWMBX)
- (7902) Bypassing Firewall block of SMTP traffic?
- (7903) Seeking ReGIS and SIXEL Converters?
- (7905) Translating condition values to error messages?
- (7906) Loading fonts into printers?
- (7907) Third-party software? (MessageQ)
- (7909) BACKUP and PROCINDEX, ACCVIO error?
- (7910) FAT- or DOS-format floppies, AlphaBIOS and RAID?
- (7911) Automating Remote (Network) Login?
- (7912) Terminating Idle Processes?
- (7913) Host Names, Personas, Cluster Alias?
12 September 2002
- (0798) 0::?
- (7808) DECamds and NIC selection?
- (7809) Pascal and uninitialized variables?
- (7811) Troubleshooting DECterm?
- (7813) File and Directory Security? Protection?
- (7814) TCP/IP sockets, bind, and SS$_DUPLNAM?
- (7815) Seeking ODS-5 version of Zip?
- (7816) HP Certification of Oracle Products?
- (7817) HP LaserJet 2200 Printer?
- (7818) Password-based User Authentication?
- (7820) NFS errors? (NFS_NOCMAP, NFS_PROGVS)
- (7822) Network Time; DTSS$NTP_PROVIDER.C?
- (7823) Connecting to StorageTek L700?
- (7826) C/C++ log files, stdout, I/O redirection?
- (7827) Defining an IP route?
- (7828) Parallel Processing (SMP) Coding?
- (7830) Errors receiving SMTP mail?
- (7831) Third-party software? (Multinet)
- (7832) Modifying PRINT Jobs? (Copies and Queues)
- (7834) Advanced Server Cluster Failover?
- (7835) Usernames, Passwords, DCL and FTP?
- (7836) Device Queues and Device Allocations?
- (7837) Redundent Network Configuration? NetRAIN?
- (7838) License Agreements, PAKs, and Transfers?
- (7839) PC FTP 425 connection errors?
- (7840) AUTHORIZE and username expiration?
- (7841) Third-Party Printer? (Xerox)
- (7842) Capturing command output?
- (7843) sys$errorlog.dmp is too small?
- (7844) C Compiler ECO Availability?
- (7846) Direct Printer (Queue) Output To File?
- (7847) Device Names, Logicals? Text Search and Replace?
- (7849) DECwindows (or system) hang?
- (7850) SMTP mail return-receipt request?
- (7851) Third-party hardware? (Seagate)
- (7852) NFS MOUNTFAIL and DATALOST Errors?
- (7853) Distributed System (Error) Management Reports?
- (7854) Printing and network disconnect? (LINKDISCON)
- (7855) CWSW/Apache and flip ccl cgi?
- (7856) IP subnets, routing problems?
- (7857) Meaning of INSVIRMEM error?
- (7858) LPD printing and flag pages?
- (7860) ILLPAGCNT error in third-party product?
- (7861) Reconfiguring TCP/IP?
- (7862) OpenVMS V7.3-1 and Secure Shell? (SSH)
- (7864) DNS/BIND configuration, failover?
- (7865) Virtual Balance Set Slots? VBSS?
- (7866) DECwindows X Windows Resource Names?
- (7867) Third-party product? (TCPware)
- (7868) BACKUP wait on idle buffer? (WAITIDLEBCB)
- (7869) DNS/BIND configuration for Active Directory?
- (7870) Tracking insufficient privilege errors? (NOPRIV)
- (7871) VAXft console operations?
- (7872) TCP/IP programming, protocols, and ICMP?
- (7873) How to compile C code?
- (7874) Causes of stack overflow? (STKOVF)
14 August 2002
- (1144) sys$acme_module? (external authentication)
- (4778) OpenVMS Authentication, Evasion, Auditing APIs?
- (5628) XML/SOAP on OpenVMS?
- (7088) Support for SOAP?
- (7587) Security, Untrusted Privileged Users?
- (7740) Cause(s) of remote locking?
- (7743) Debugging SS$_EXQUOTA errors?
- (7744) Meaning of invalid login? (INVLOGIN)
- (7745) BACKUP processing of output tape?
- (7746) Copying selected ACCOUNTING data?
- (7747) TCP/IP MX Record Deletion?
- (7748) Interaction of AWSTIME and QUANTUM?
- (7749) Selecting Single Process as Primary? (Batch)
- (7750) Managing and Archiving MAIL? (BACKUP)
- (7751) security server not active? (SERVERNOTACTIVE)
- (7752) Setting Global Pages? (GBLPAGES)
- (7753) PRINT/PAGES File Processing?
- (7754) Disk Consumption, Tracking, Use, Monitoring?
- (7756) OpenVMS (still) not supported on XL?
- (7757) System Performance Tuning, IP Activity?
- (7758) Seeking BACKUP/IMAGE Documentation?
- (7759) Seeking EXCHANGE documentation?
- (7760) PURGE and file archiving (BACKUP, zip)?
- (7761) FTP and foreign file systems corrupt files?
- (7762) DLT and DDS Media Compatibility?
- (7763) OPERATOR.LOG Timestamp (flush) interval?
- (7764) DECserver 700 bootp download fails?
- (7765) Assistance Porting MySQL with GCC?
- (7767) OpenVMS Upgrade Paths?
- (7768) MSCP Serving all but local disks?
- (7769) Secure IP Network Link? (FTP, Tunnel)
- (7770) Hardware question on UNSUPPORTED -a series?
- (7772) Seeking Documentation of OpenVMS?
- (7773) How To Find Documentation? (Privileges)
- (7774) FTSO Support of TCP/IP Services?
- (7775) COBOL COMP and DECforms?
- (7776) Recovering from full (system) disk volume?
- (7777) SCSI bus polling error?
- (7779) File sharing and interlocks? (FLK)
- (7780) Networking Options on (old) OpenVMS VAX release?
- (7781) Troubleshooting DECconnect (MMJ) wiring?
- (7782) Disabling DECwindows Startup?
- (7784) SYSMAN and EXBYTLM Exceeded bytlm quota?
- (7785) Disk Volume Structure Errors? (IDXHDRBAD)
- (7786) Foreign File Specifications and FTP?
- (7787) TCP/IP (NIC) Interface Reconfiguration?
- (7788) Debugging BASIC Memory Management Violation?
- (7790) Calling LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL?
- (7791) Seeking Details of OpenVMS Galaxy?
- (7792) DECwindows Login Display Customization?
- (7793) Basics of Network Bandwidth?
- (7794) Seeking Example Programming Code?
- (7795) PTHREAD$RTL and STKOVF Stack Overflow?
- (7796) SWXCR StorageWorks RAID and DR$INIT?
- (7798) Seeking details on old hardware? (RAID)
- (7799) Debugging ACCVIO from SYS$CANCEL?
- (7802) Calculating Buffered I/O Rates?
- (7803) DCL: Blank Lines and Null Commands?
- (7804) QMAN-E-NODISKSPACE, disk space not available?
- (7805) Troubleshooting Cluster Hang?
- (7806) TCP/IP Print Queues, Network Printer?
- (7807) Why is the disk volume label important?
10 July 2002
- (0488) DCL command buffer limits and BACKUP?
- (0841) disk data declassification? (data remanence, eras
- (1286) DLT III reinitialization in TZ85?
- (2736) Accidential INITIALIZE of storage media?
- (4571) Recovering from corrupted disk?
- (4598) Secure Disk Media Erasure? (Data Remanence)
- (5002) Configuring Global Pages, Sections? (GPTFULL)
- (5071) Recovering from corrupt RIGHTSLIST?
- (5553) Recovering data from improperly closed file?
- (5719) Recovering data from (old) BACKUP tape?
- (6021) Recovering from Disk Failure?
- (6234) Recover Database BACKUP? (Rdb)
- (6536) Memory Management, Pagefiles, Sections?
- (6926) Disk Bad Block Processing?
- (6990) Recovering data from overwritten tape?
- (7320) Wipe/Erase/Clobber/Overwrite/Zero Disk Data?
- (7575) Writable Shareable Images? (COMMONs)
- (7679) AUTOSTART on TelnetSym queues?
- (7692) Monitoring for process inactivity? (FTP)
- (7693) CBT/Training/Courses/Education?
- (7694) Finding Files With Large Versions? (32767)?
- (7695) Addressing Tapes in Tape Library?
- (7696) Connect to Network Object Rejected?
- (7697) Using FDL Files?
- (7698) Finding Disk Hogs? (Storage Monitor)
- (7699) Total Timeline Tracking Tool (T4) Kit?
- (7701) DEFINE LOGNAM LOGNAM logical name?
- (7702) The null (NLA0:) device?
- (7703) Configuration Management? Installed Software?
- (7704) TCP/IP and C gethostbyname call?
- (7705) Configuring Ethernet NIC?
- (7706) DCL command negation? SET DEVICE/[NO]SPOOL?
- (7707) Security, Intrusion, and Breakin Evasion?
- (7708) RMS File Defered Write (FAB$V_DFW) Status?
- (7711) Print Symbiont Reporting TOOMNYLIB?
- (7712) Replacement for SET UIC command?
- (7713) LAT device and HANGUP errors?
- (7714) Disassemble Executable Images, Objects?
- (7715) Escape and control sequences?
- (7716) Recovering Disk/Tape Data After INITIALIZE?
- (7717) ACMS, TDMS, and I/O (HANGUP) Error?
- (7719) Reading COBOL COMP (Packed Decimal) Data?
- (7720) Seeking InfoServer Licenses?
- (7721) Fatal Drive error with SSL2020 AIT Tape?
- (7722) OpenVMS on Intel? Current OpenVMS Version?
- (7723) Tracking telnet active sessions?
- (7725) Support for Gigabit Ethernet Adapter?
- (7727) DCPS V1.2 and HP LaserJet 4100?
- (7730) FTP Illegal Record (IRC) Error?
- (7731) Compaq Insight Management Agent?
- (7733) Removing TAB from Telnet Printing?
- (7734) SET PROTECTION, other retired commands?
- (7736) Finding open files?
- (7737) TQELM? Third-party software? (ROBOMON)